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    Where Is She?

    Depression filled the young blonde girl’s heart as she recounted the events of that night. The night that started off so right, yet ended so wrong. A night of fear, chaos, and truth. Prom night. And prom was the one night where everything was supposed to be perfect. It’s when the love of your life asks you to prom, you spend hours getting ready, are ecstatic when they arrive, looking as beautiful as ever. It’s the one night where everyone spends so much time to look perfect, because that’s how their night is supposed to be. Arriving to the dance with friends, all looking gorgeous, to dance the night away, and then to end it at a hotel room, where you fall asleep in your lover’s arms. But of course that would be too good. And of course Spencer just couldn’t have things go her way just once. It was bad enough that Aiden confessed his love to Ashley, and even worse that gang members had arrived at her school, killing some students and harming others. She was one who had been hurt. A bullet had hit her in the thigh, and as she fell, she hit her head, putting her into a coma. She had been asleep for a week, and had just come to earlier that day.

    She sighed as she looked out of the hospital window. It was dark, and easily reflected her bad mood. She hadn’t shown up yet. The one person whom she wanted to see the most, and she wasn’t there. The one person whom was supposed to love her, wasn’t there. The one person whom was supposed to be out of her mind worrying about the blonde, hadn’t dropped by, hadn’t called, hadn’t sent her a text. And Spencer’s heart was shattered. This could, of course, mean only one thing. Ashley had chosen Aiden. Didn’t she at least have the decency to tell the blonde in person? Tears were now starting to fall down her cheeks as quiet sobs emanated from her throat. Knowing now that Ashley was no longer hers hurt more than anything she had ever felt in her life. She despised the idea of going back to school when she was released from the hospital. And then she’d have to see them together. How could Ashley do this? Cause her so much grief and pain? And to not even show up, not even care what happened. That was what killed her the most. Either way she looked at it, being dumped by the brunette was devastating, but being dumped and ignored, that was beyond words.

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    1. very very sweet. ash bares it all to be with spence every night thats really awesome. but honestly i thought she was a ghost there for a minute…the first night when she jus laid there

    2. very very sweet. ash bares it all to be with spence every night thats really awesome. but honestly i thought she was a ghost there for a minute…the first night when she jus laid there

    3. I really liked this story. You should send this to the N and hopefully they will get a clue as how the storyline, the emotions, and the lovin should go.. good job

    4. I really liked this story. You should send this to the N and hopefully they will get a clue as how the storyline, the emotions, and the lovin should go.. good job

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