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    White Lightning – (Chapter: Me Wanting You So Desperately)






    “Oh good you’re back. I was getting worr-where did you get that shirt? Because you DEFINITELY didn’t leave in that!” Kyla said as Ashley reappeared in the machine, drenched in sweat and clutching her stomach weakly. The older girl glared at her younger sister and held up her right hand, using her other hand to lean on her knees. Her lips were still tingling and she touched them gingerly, staring at an expectant Kyla.






    “Funny story,” Ashley began but Kyla cut her off.





    “I’ve got time.”






    “I ended up naked.” The brunette grimaced as she said the last word, plugging her ears to block out the high pitched squeal that began to come from Kyla.






    “How?! SHUT UP!! You guys did it?!” The younger Davies was nearly foaming at the mouth for information. Ashley crossed the room, walking to the small window by the door. She looked out quickly and turned back to her sister.










    “How was it?”






    “Kyla..” Ashley started, beginning to tire of her sister’s truth bending habits. Kyla made a face and pouted at her older sister.






    “Oh come on….. just tell meeee!!” Ashley rolled her eyes and grabbed a blue cube from the top shelf. She plucked an eyedropper off of the counter and squeezed out a drop of water onto the cube.






    “We didn’t do anything,” she said watching the cube as it morphed into a small bottle of crystal clear spring water. Kyla watched her through the slits that had become her eyes and wagged that finger in Ashley’s face.






    “You so did!”






    “I didn’t! I swear. Nothing happened. I must have lost the clothes on the way,” Ashley protested grabbing for the finger but Kyla dodged her quickly and ran away. Her younger sister hid behind the table, carefully guarding her finger.

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