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    Why Do You Close Your Eyes Everytime We Make Love? – (Chapter: Love=Lust Pt 1)

    Two weeks passed since the incident at Spencer’s house. Ashley avoided Spencer,Clay and Glen and anyone else with the Carlin name. She sat in the very back row of Sex Ed,she sat on the far side of the cafeteria,and if Spencer looked her way or caught her eye she’d just get up and leave. Aiden and Kyla tried to hel her with her problems but of course they didn’t help alot. June and Dawn spent their time studying for the huge triginometry exam they were about to have. Ashley almost put her life on hold. That’s how depressed she was. Sometimes she wouldn’t eat,she wouldn’t sleep. And sometimes she’d just break down and cry during Spanish. But hey you’d feel bad to right? One day Ashley heard the news about Spencer’s parents from Kyla. They were both gong to jail for making counterfeit money. None of their children knew about it until the police were banging on the door. Ashley would’ve found this amusing had she not seen Spencer crying about it earlier. At that moment Ashley decided to just give Spencer the stupid necklace. She wasn’t going to use it. And it’s not like she was gonna give it back to the dead women so why not? But then an evil thought ran through Ashley’s mind….she was hurting. Now she was going to find out for sure if Spencer loved her or not. She decided to go over to Spencer’s house that night. But first she needed some serious gangsta clothes.

    Later that day at June’s House

    June searched through her closet as Ashley nervously waited. June appeared out of her closet with a triple x t-shirt.

    June:"It’s Dawn’s. He doesn’t wear it anymore so I sleep in it sometimes. It’s been washed so.."

    Ashley:"That’s perfect."

    June:"…So may I ask why you want to pretend to be a thug?"

    Ashley:"You wouldn’t understand it’s a lesbian thing."

    June:"O God. You and some girl aren’t gonna play the don’t cum game are you?

    Ashley laughed.

    Ashley:"hahah..The don’t come game?"

    June:"It is so not funny. Mom and Jesse play that stupid game like every weekend. It’s when they screw each other really hard but the object of the game is Don’t Cum."

    Ashley:"O m God June! Do you actually listen in?!"

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