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    Why Do You Close Your Eyes Everytime We Make Love? – (Chapter: Love=Lust PT 2)

    Ashley parked her car in the parking lot near an abandoned mcdonalds. She chewed on the toothpick anxiously. According to some of her sources,Spencer left the house to sell her body around 10:30 when her brother and her parents were knocked out. Ashley looked like a serious thug in her clothes. Her abs were partly shown by her giant shirt being held up a little by her black belt,her chains hung loosely and clinked together when she walked,her eyes remained low under the brim of her hat. She could’ve passed for a boy if she put her hair in her hat. She looked like a diffrent person. Finally Ashley saw Spencer walking around the corner. That was her que. She flipped on her head lights. Spencer saw them and walked over to the car looking rather annoyed. She leaned into the window. The night was blinding. Ashley spoke in a deep voice.

    Ashley:"Hey baby."

    Spencer:"Hi. So you gonna let me in?"

    Ashley:"Come on in."

    Spencer got into the backseat of the car. Ashley crawled into the backseat with her.

    Spencer:"Oh I’m reallly sorry I don’t do transexuals.."

    Ashley:"..*chuckle*..I’m not a transexual. Just a regular old butch."

    Spencer:"Oh okay. I’m sorry."

    Ashley:"that’s okay. Seems like your nipples like me enough."

    Spencer looked at her see through blouse and saw that the stranger was right. She blushed a little bit as the stranger took off her blouse. Before the stranger propped up Spencer against the wall,she bent down and picked up a black box from the floor. She opened it and revieled the diamond necklace.

    Spencer:"O my"

    Ashley:"This is your if you do what I want."

    Spencer was unprepared for what happened next. The stranger put both of Spencer’s breast in her hands and sucked on both of her nipples. then she took off her shirt and bra. Ashley spread Spencer’s legs wide apart and slid inbetween them. Spencer’s whimpers and moans were embarrassing to her. She never dacted this way with anyone..not even Ashley. This was to much. Now the stranger was licking her clit. Spencer was seeing stars. She couldn’t take it. Spencer grabbed the back of the strangers neck and puled her away from her wet pussy.

    Spencer:"I’m sorry..I can’t.."


    Spencer:"I can’t..let me out..please."

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