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    Why Do You Close Your Eyes Everytime We Make Love? – (Chapter: More Sex Ed With Jesse)

    Ashley took her regular seat in Sex Ed class. June was on her right,Madison was now on her left. Spencer sat behind her. Ashley desperately wanted to talk to her but when she tried Spencer just pretended to read a book. Ashley turned back around and tried to think of ways to give her the necklace. Jesse sat behind her desk in front of the blackboard. It read


    Ashley read these words and began to talk to June as class was about to start.

    Ashley:"I thought we were learning about Testosterone and-"

    June:"She thinks I have a hygine problem."


    June:"If you came home at in the morning covered in dirt and smelling like death you’re mom would think you had a hygine problem."

    Jesse:"Okay settle down."

    The bell rang.

    Jesse:"Now. Today we’re going to have a brief talk about hygine."

    A couple of snickers went through the room.

    Jesse:"Seriously now. Lately I’ve been noticing certain people*she looked at June*have been being careless with their body. Now I’m going to put it simple and not call anyone out. Girls,wash your koochi,boys wipe your ass. Got that?"

    The class erupted in laughter.

    Jesse:"Good. Now, someone tell me where we left off yesterday."

    Aiden raised his hand.

    Aiden:"We we’re talking about what we learned in 8th grade."

    Jesse:"Right. Okay,so we learned yesterday that 1 girl get pregnant every 30 seconds,1 teenager will contract a std every 13 seconds,anyone wana add what they learned in 8th grade?"

    Meghan:"Statistics don’t mean a damn thing."

    Class laughed.

    Jesse:"Well,I might just agree with you on that. No one asked thi school about it now did they? Anyone else?"

    Omayra:"We learned in 8th grade that when a guy ejaculates he shoots out billions of sperm."

    Aiden:"That’s right like a machine gun."

    More laughter.

    Jesse:"Okay,okay. That is true. Your right. So remember ladies and gentleman that when those sperm get in one of them is DEFINETLY going to get to that egg. It may not fertilize but there’s a good chance it will if billions of others follow it."

     June:"Can we PLEASe talk about something else?"

    Jesse:"No June we can’t."


    Jesse:"Who knows how long they live once outside of the male body?"

    Spencer raised her hand.

    Spencer:"Two to Three days."

    Fred:"Bet you would know alot about that whore."

    Jesse:"ASHLEY DON"T!!"

    Ashley jumped out of her seat and punched Fred soooooo hard that the entire class heard his jaw crack. He fell to the ground and Ashley kicked him a couple times before Jesse stopped her.


    Spencer ran out of the room.



    After School……..

    Ashley and Jesse sat across from each other behind her desk. Ashley was crying a little as she told Jesse what happened with Spencer.

    Jesse:"So you two were really tight,once upon a time?"

    Ashley:"Yeah. Then Spencer’s parents lost their jobs and they got money problems,then that bitch Kelly came back from who knows where, and…it was valentines day and I saw both of them  together. In her living room."

    Jesse:"That’s when you came back with the dog?"

    Ashley:"Yeah. Prince,she’s a REAL good attack dog."

    Jesse:"Why didn’t you just confront them? If you did that then your situation would be diffrent."

    Ashley:"*sniff* I doubt that. Word around school is Spencer’s a prostitute. I don’t believe it. Spencer has way to much respect for herself to suck a dick for money."

    Jesse:"I’m still your teacher."

    Ashley:"Oh,right sorry.. I mean. Even if Spencer did go that low she would let me know. She’d let me help her. No matter what we still have love for each other."

    Jesse:"You sure?"

    Ashley:"I’m postive. Spencer is having a really tough time now. But I’m going to make it better. Her birthday is around the corner. I have a beautiful gift for her."

    Jesse:"If it’s sex I advise you not to give it to her."

    Ashley:"It’s better than sex…okay…no,no, It is definetly better than sex."

    Jesse:"For your sake I hope so. Now I’m going to let you go. Next time you have a problem what are you going to do?"

    Ashley:"Talk it out."

    Jesse:"Good. Now get out of here."

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