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    Why Do You Close Your Eyes Everytime We Make Love? – (Chapter: Secrets Out)

    Ashley and June walked back from the jewelry store. Ashley carried her gift for Spencer in a nice little blak box.


    June:"She’ll definetly love it."

    Ashle:"I hope so."

    June:"She will. The money problem won’t be a problem once she gets the necklace. Then you two can ride off into te sunset on a pretty blcak horse and-"

    Ashley:"Awww,is that your little fantasy June?"


    Ashley:"Who is the lucky guy?"

    June:"No one in particular."

    Ashley:"I see the smile on your face. Come on wo is it?"

    June:"No one. Back to you. Spencer has been acting like a bitch lately."


    June:"She has. Haven’t you noticed? I mean when you punched Fred and broke his jaw she ran out of the room."

    Ashley:"She was embarrased. Besides she’s still mad at me for the whole dog thing."

    June:"I would be too."

    Ashley:"she shouldn’t have cheated."

    June:"You shouldn’t have-"

    Ashley:"Used violence…right."

    June:"Ashley did you notice anything about the body?"

    Ashley:"June we said we’d never speak of that again."

    June:"I know. But it wasn’t Papi…it was someone else."


    June:"I  don’t know but I think Madison was lieing about the necklace being in her family."

    Ashley:"Maybe the body was her grandma or something."


    Ashley:"June the necklace is real. That’s all that matters. Right?"

    June:"Right….I guess."

    Ashley turned the corner to Aiden’s house. They went up to the door and knocked. Aiden answered.

    Aiden:"Hey guys."

    June:"Ello why aren’t you wearing any patnts?"

    Aiden:"None of your buisness."

    Ashley:"If Kyla’s here I’m going to barf."

    Aiden:"No it’s just me and my hand. Wat do yall want?"

    Ashley:"I wanted your opinion on my gift for Spencer."

    Aiden:"Your getting Spencer something…for what?"

    Ashley:"Her birthday."

    Aidn came outside,shut the door and sat on the front porch.

    Aiden:"Ashley maybe you should just move on.."

    June:"No! We went through to much! Somebody is getting that necklace!"

    Aiden:"Okay! okay! Chill! I’m just saying,Ashley,you should let Spencer alone."

    Ashley:"Why would I do that?"

    Aiden:"…She hasn’t told you yet huh?"

    Ashley:"Told me what?"

    Aiden:"…Come on."

    He got up and went to his truck.

    June:"Where are we goin?"

    Aiden:"To Spencer’s house. She needs to tell you the truth."

    Ashley and June got in the truck. It wasn’t long before they were at the Carlin home. Aiden got out of the car. June and Ashley did the same. The two girls waited on the porch as Aiden knocked on the door. Glen answered.

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    1. I don’t thin I have ever been more pissed at Spencer in my entire life. Ashley should just leave her alone. Spencer really isn’t worth it anymore, and the bullshit she spat at Ashley how it was her fault…she knows that is bullshit, she is the one that pushed Ashley away…how the hell was she supposed to know….Awesome Update…Loved it…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

    2. I don’t thin I have ever been more pissed at Spencer in my entire life. Ashley should just leave her alone. Spencer really isn’t worth it anymore, and the bullshit she spat at Ashley how it was her fault…she knows that is bullshit, she is the one that pushed Ashley away…how the hell was she supposed to know….Awesome Update…Loved it…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

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