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    Why Do You Close Your Eyes Everytime We Make Love? – (Chapter: Who Would Have Thought?)

    While Ashley was asleep June and Kyla sat on the living room couch while Aiden made brownies. It was at least 11:00 at night. They were watching a movie(Titanic)lol.

    Kyla:"I can not believe Spencer said that…"

    Aiden came back with the brownies.

    Aiden:"She did. It was terrible. I’ve never seen Ashley pour out her heart like that."

    June:"She’s never been with anyone else?"

    Kyla:"Oh yeah she has! But Spencer is like…-"

    June:"Her first actual love?"


    Aiden:"You okay June?"

    June:"No…Ashley needs to let that hoe go."

    Kyla:"Whoa! You can’t say stuff like that!"

    Aiden:"Yeah,no offence but you haven’t known Ashley that long."

    June:"Ashley is a gay white version of me."


    June:"…I should go talk to Spencer."

    June got off the couch.

    Aiden:"You should let me take you."

    Kyla:"Do you really think she’ll listen to you?"

    June:"I don’t really care if she does. I’m just gonna talk."

    Kyla:"Well if Ashley wakes up crying again what do I do?"

    Aiden:"Put some ice on her head."

    They left.


    Spencer completely destroyed her room after she ran into the house. Now she was on her bed hugging her pillow as she screamed and cried into it. Her cries were heard by her brother but he was to exhausted to actually see what was wrong. He collapsed into bed at 10:00. Spencer couldn’t believe she said those horrible words. She didn’t mean it but she really didn’t want Ashley to find out like that. She had the chance to have Ashley hold her and make it better but she pushed her away. Far away. Now she was afraid that she pushed her too far to retrieve her. She cried harder at the thought. She heard her parents come in. She stopped screaming and crying and sat still for a moment. She waited for them to go to bed.

     At the front door…

    Aiden:"I should stay here."

    June:"Good idear Aiden. You stay here mkay."

    Aiden:"This is serious June. Spencer is very sensitive."

    June:"Sensitive? I have never heard anyone say hateful stuff like that."

    Aiden:"You caught her on a bad day."

    June:"Yeah whatever. Just go wait in the car."

    Before anyone could knock on the door Spencer appeared from behind the house wearing a hooker uniform.(no offence to hookers)

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    1. I don’t know..I still says Spencer is a lost cause, and Ash deserves better…I would like for them to get back together, but with everything that has happened…is that even possible…I mean some things are forgivable…but..IDK…I love your story, and your updates are always awesome..can’t wait until the next one…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

    2. I don’t know..I still says Spencer is a lost cause, and Ash deserves better…I would like for them to get back together, but with everything that has happened…is that even possible…I mean some things are forgivable…but..IDK…I love your story, and your updates are always awesome..can’t wait until the next one…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

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