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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: 2- I Need To See Her)

    Ashley wakes up the next morning confused at how she was feeling.  Why do I feel an attraction to that girl in the barn.  She gets out of bed and looks at her schedule.  Horseback riding isn’t till after lunch, Ashley decides to wait until then to try and talk to the mysterious girl.  She dresses and heads into the mess hall for breakfast.

    "Hey baby."  Aiden says as he slides up next to her throwing his arm over her shoulder.

    "Aiden, we talked about this."  Ashley replies as she pushes his arm off.  He looks at her with a hurt look on his face then rushes off again.  Wow I never knew he liked me so much.  I just thought it was a fling. 

    "What’s going on with you and Aiden?  Usually you guys are all over each other by now."  Kristi one her friends asks.

    "We are just trying to be friends right now."

    "But why?  I mean he was your first and you guys have a real connection."  Kristi argues.

    "How would you know?  I just don’t want to get in a relationship with anyone right now."  Ashley says trying to ignore the flash of the girl she saw earlier in her mind.

    "Whatever your loss."  Kristi walks away and Ashley sets her tray down having lost her hunger.  She heads off for her first activity, anxiously awaiting horseback riding.


    Ashley approaches the barn, she came early hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious girl and avoid the large man.  She actually gets inside and scrunches her nose at the smell.  She starts to wander around trying to catch the golden haired girl.

    "She won’t be in here."  Ashley jumps trying to swallow her heart that seemed to have jumped up intp her throat.

    "Jesus, for someone so big you move awfully quiet."

    "Just call me twinkle toes."  Leon says lightly smirking.

    "Uhm are you on meds or something.  You are all nice to me today, but yesterday I though you were going to rip my head off.  The scary part is you probably could."

    "Yeah I could, but I don’t want to.  Yesterday I was protecting someone dear to me."  Leon made a decision last night and that decision was to help Spencer in the one way she didn’t want.

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    1. I am so intrigued by this story…like i’m wondering if Spencer has something wrong with her face. And i REALLY want to know what happened to her! This story is already becoming an obession! PMS!

    2. I am so intrigued by this story…like i’m wondering if Spencer has something wrong with her face. And i REALLY want to know what happened to her! This story is already becoming an obession! PMS!

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