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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: 3-The Truth)


    Leon watched as Ashley (he learned her name through a councilor) walk around with that boy.  He was hugging all up on her and she was actually letting him.  Guess she decided to go out with him.  He also hasn’t seen Spencer for the last two days, she has been gone longer so he was not too worried.  He just wanted to know what happened.  I guess if I want to know I have to ask Ashley.  If I can pry her away from her boyfriend.  He got his chance when she came down for horseback riding.  The councilor gave her a break from the horses because she fell and hurt herself, but she still had to come and watch.  She was sitting outside the barn and he decided to go ahead and approach her.

    "Haven’t seen you around.  give up already?"  Leon asks only to see her give an angry uncaring look.

    "I don’t know what you are talking about old man."  Ashley bites out.

    "Huh never figured you for one." 

    "Figured me one what?"  Ashley asks curious about what he is saying.

    "A coward."

    "I am not a coward!"  Ashley shouts as she stands up.

    "Then why have you not asked about Spencer?"

    "Because she is not what I expected.  I also don’t hang out with murderers."

    "Where did you here that?"  Leon asks not believing what she just said.

    "I heard it from a friend."  She replied not wanting to say Aiden, who knows what the big guy would do to him.

    "I really thought you were different, but you are just a spoiled little brat like the others.  You think you would find out the truth instead of believing your boyfriend.  Never mind you are not worth it and Spencer doesn’t need you."  Leon says as he walks away disappointed that his plan didn’t work.

    Ashley sits there not knowing what to do or say to what the big man just told her.  She felt scolded and remorse, but she was right wasn’t she?


    Later on in the day Ashley was lying on her bed trying to decide what to do.  She should just forget about it, but her heart just wouldn’t seem to let it go.  She sat up and decided to get more information.  She went to some of the councilors, but they didn’t know anything or refused to talk.  She couldn’t get her hands on old newspapers because she was too far from the town’s library.  She finally decided to talk to the stable man and see what he could tell her.  She heads out the door only to run into Aiden.

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