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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: 6-Stay Out Of My Life)


    Ashley wanders back to her cabin not even noticing the rain anymore.  She starts to change her clothes once she gets there.  The whole time she was thinking about Spencer and the kiss that they shared.  Granted Spencer might have said she didn’t want it, but she could feel something.  She decides that now she is going to wait for Spencer to come to her.  She knows it will be hard because she feels pulled to see her all the time.  But she will try her best to wait.  She lays down and finally gets to sleep and all night she dreams of Spencer and the kiss they shared.  She hopes that some of the dreams come true.


    Spencer heads on home since she needs to change clothes.  As she wonders to the house she thinks of the girl and how pushy she is.  She puts her finger to her lips and thinks about the kiss.  Did I like it or is my body just responding to some kind of positive touch?  And why is she chasing me, I am no prize these scars are just a small part. She walks through the door thinking all of this and runs into the one person she didn’t want to see right now.  Usually that’s her mother, but lately she doesn’t care at all about her.  She can’t hurt her anymore than she already has.

    "Where have you been?"  Spencer’s dad Arthur asks.

    "Don’t, just don’t right now."  Spencer says trying to get out a confrontation.

    "What is wrong with you?  You have been acting weird lately."  He pushes.

    "Maybe because I am!  Remember I’m the freak and don’t act like you care."  Damn I shouldn’t have said that, now he is going to push more.

    "Of course I care, I’m your father."

    "Then maybe you should act like it.  I heard what you said."  Seeing his confused look she gives him more detail, "With mom the other night about how you really feel."

    "I didn’t mean it lik…"  She cuts him off before he can give his lame excuse.

    "Just don’t, you never had a backbone and you never will.  You couldn’t stand up to her before and you won’t now!"  She sees his scared look, "And don’t worry I will stay and take care of you when she is not here.  Come to think of it she is never around anymore, but we both know the reason for that."  She knows she hurt him with that, but this has been going on for far too long.

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    1. I’m so happy for this update! This story is just getting better and better, and i cant wait for the next update. Like i literally cant wait…i need it…please *puppy dog face* PMS!!!

    2. I’m so happy for this update! This story is just getting better and better, and i cant wait for the next update. Like i literally cant wait…i need it…please *puppy dog face* PMS!!!

    3. I ran across this gem of a story and I am saddened by the fact that you haven’t finished it. Please reconsider finishing this story…it is sooooooooooooooo good!

    4. I ran across this gem of a story and I am saddened by the fact that you haven’t finished it. Please reconsider finishing this story…it is sooooooooooooooo good!

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