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    You and Me – (Chapter: Gears of War : Part 2)


    No stars in the sky that night, not that there were really any there on a regular basis. Too much smog and too much light pollution blot out the shimmering balls of gas and cosmic energy like a constant dark veil covering the potential for greatness. It was a good metaphor for them both; smart kids cloaking themselves in black bandanas, suppressing their limitless possibilities.


    Dano sat on the same last step as her older brother, feet planted on the ground while her arms rested lazily on her knees, a cigarette dangling from her fingers. Her fierce green eyes shone bright against the light on the back porch while exhaled some smoke through her nostrils.


    Gideon sat much in the same position but his own blue orbs were lighter than usual. His left hand was tucked into his jean pocket with his eyebrows furrowed. The crease in his forehead made him look angry and contemplative but the exhaustion could be found in his slightly drooped shoulders.


    Their mother and sister were sleeping soundly in their respective rooms, completely oblivious to what their other family members were about to do; but that was ok because that was exactly how the duo wanted it to be.


    “Gids,” Dano said, disrupting the silence between them. “You ever wonder what things would be like if Aba was still around?”


    His eyebrows rose at the question. “Um, yeah sometimes. Why do you ask?”


    “I don’t know. I guess I’ve always thought about how different we would be if. Maybe we would’ve gotten out of this thing sooner or something like that.” She gestured between them with her right hand, the acrid haze from the cigarette lifting above them. “Maybe he wouldn’t be ok with me being gay.”


    “Bullshit Dano. You know Aba would love you whether or not you liked girls.”


    “How do you know?”


    “I just do alright? You needa stop trippin on the ‘what ifs’ and start focusing on the now. We’re gettin closer ya know? Someday soon we’re gonna find out who killed dad but in the meantime, we gotta deal with what’s goin on in the present. There’s someone out there with information on who specifically in Trent tried to off us and they sure as fuck know where they moved that piece of shit Raw.” He inhaled the toxins into his lungs and breathed out heavily, turning to face his sister. “I need you here with me. I need your head in the game because I can’t do this on my own. It’s you and me in this together.”


    1. i am SO in love with this story. like…for real. i’ve laughed, i’ve cried, and i want more!! i NEED more! please keep writing. thats so lame thats someones been taking your stuff. but please dont let that keep you from posting.

    2. i am SO in love with this story. like…for real. i’ve laughed, i’ve cried, and i want more!! i NEED more! please keep writing. thats so lame thats someones been taking your stuff. but please dont let that keep you from posting.

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