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    You and Me – (Chapter: Gears of War : Part 2)


    With a nod of his head, he pulled out his silver Smith and Wesson pistol with the black handgrip, checked if it was loaded, and tucked in the front waistband of his pants. “Let’s go.”


    They piled out of the car, Dano making sure she locked it three times before venturing around the corner in search of their target. Pimp’s strutted around either yelling at their hookers or negotiating prices with John’s. Neon lights flashed overhead, a visual assault meant to disorient the senses, take the focus off of morality.


    She walked in between her physically bigger friends. Their presence was slightly imposing as they walked clad in black down the street. People knew who they were, knew they were dangerous, knew they were looking for someone; so they generally moved out of their way but there was one man who had offered Gideon money for her, thinking she was a prostitute for sale. He promptly grabbed the man by the throat and threatened to crush his windpipe if he ever heard him refer to her as a whore again.


    Farther down the street they walked until Dano stopped them and pointed across the street. “There she is.” Her gesture was directed at a girl with a red tube-top, knee high black hooker boots, a black mini-skirt that barely covered anything, and bright red lip stick to top off the cliché ensemble. Dirty blonde hair and long legs, it was a wonder why she was on those streets to begin with.


    Crossing the road, they walked up nonchalantly, precarious in their steps just incase there was something amiss. The girl looked towards them, her greenish-grey eyes holding a hint of recognition before she smiled like a devil. “Genesis, Dano, how lovely to see you.” She said, voice dripping with sarcasm.


    “Wish I could say the same Laura.” Gideon responded.


    “Oh come now, is that any way to speak to an old friend or are you pissed that you weren’t able to play keep up with me last time?”


    “We’re not here for your stupid bullshit Laura.” Dano stated with annoyance.


    “Then what are you here for because we both know I don’t do dykes.”


    “You weren’t saying that when we were in the bathroom of that club a while ago.” The dark-skinned girl retorted with a smirk. 


    1. i am SO in love with this story. like…for real. i’ve laughed, i’ve cried, and i want more!! i NEED more! please keep writing. thats so lame thats someones been taking your stuff. but please dont let that keep you from posting.

    2. i am SO in love with this story. like…for real. i’ve laughed, i’ve cried, and i want more!! i NEED more! please keep writing. thats so lame thats someones been taking your stuff. but please dont let that keep you from posting.

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