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    You and Me – (Chapter: Gears of War : Part 2)

    Piercing blue eyes bore into her as his thumb pulled back the hammer. “Don’t move. We have questions.” 


    Ashley rushed over to Daniella and helped her stand up straight, supporting some of her weight on her shoulder. “You alright?”


    “Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting that.” 


    “Now you’re gonna tell me right fucking now, who was in that car on Sunday?”


    “Fuck you. You and your dyke sister and your little whore of a friend can go burn in hell.” 


    Dano walked around Laura slowly, methodically, like a predator circling its prey: She was the lioness stalking the antelope. Her footsteps came to a stop next her brother, facing the hooker and staring at her with as much revulsion as a human being could muster. “Wrong answer.”


    None of them could have anticipated what happened next. Laura flew through the air, blood spraying from her nose where Dano’s fist had just connected with her face. It seemed to happen in slow motion, the way her body was propelled backwards and off of its feet, her arms raising much too late to stop the blow, her body crashing into a pile of trash bags. 


    “Holy shit.” Ashley muttered. She had seen Dano get into fights with girls before but she didn’t use a 10th of the power that she had used in that punch. Those fights weren’t nearly as one sided as this one was either, this Laura chick didn’t stand a chance. 


    “Why are you makin this so hard on yourself?” Daniella asked, walking towards the place where her victim groaned in pain as she covered her nose. “My brother asked you a simple question. All you gotta do is answer it. Who the fuck was in that car?”


    No answer. 


    “Laura, focus now. Who was in the car?”


    The reply came in the form of a wad of mucus and blood being spat on her shirt. “Fine, have it your way.”



    On the car ride home, Ashley threw up twice as the images flashed in her mind over and over again. Dano had gotten the information out of her. One of them was Raw’s older brother, one of them was Fasia, and the other two were no-names who were trying to rise up in the ranks. Yes, she had gotten what they had gone for but they way they had to get it… it made her sick.


    Yet that was the nature of the witch hunt; get information, get confessions through any means possible. But Dano, herself, and Gideon weren’t the Christians who demanded some innocent woman to confess she was a creature of the darkness. They already knew who they were questioning, how evil they were, they just needed something more to incriminate a larger range of them.


    What now?


    1. i am SO in love with this story. like…for real. i’ve laughed, i’ve cried, and i want more!! i NEED more! please keep writing. thats so lame thats someones been taking your stuff. but please dont let that keep you from posting.

    2. i am SO in love with this story. like…for real. i’ve laughed, i’ve cried, and i want more!! i NEED more! please keep writing. thats so lame thats someones been taking your stuff. but please dont let that keep you from posting.

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