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    You Only Live Once – Why Not Enjoy It – (Chapter: 8 – Sibling Acceptance)

    It was already a quarter after eight when the three teens stood impatiently in the living room.


    “Guys let’s haul ass!  Dopey’s curfew is at nine!” Kasey yelled up as Spencer shoved her playfully.  “Relax Pongo or I’ll get the muzzle.”  The brunette grinned and oooh’d.


    Just as Aiden was about to go upstairs, Ashley poked her head over the banister.  She slowly made her way down followed closely by Madison and Kyla.  The girls looked amazing.  The three of them giggled as they spotted their partners wearing their ridiculous outfits.


    Kyla approached Kasey who was sweating like crazy thanks to her heavy costume and thickly coated makeup.  “You like?”  She struck a pose, the slit in her dress revealed a well-toned leg which nearly made Kasey drool.


    “Cruella Deville, how appropriate.”  She smiled mischievously, Kyla pouted.  “I’m kidding, you look beautiful.”  The Dalmatian wrapped her arms around the tiny frame and let her nuzzle into the embrace.


    “Mads!  Dayyyyum!”  Is all Aiden said as he twirled his girlfriend and let his eyes scan her body.


    Madison kissed him softly.  “You don’t look so bad yourself.”  She arranged his vest a little and patted the pillow he had shoved underneath his shirt.


    “You, Spencer Carlin, are friggin’ adorable!”  Ashley wriggled her fingers, motioning Spencer to come closer.  The blonde’s face heated up and soon she blushed profusely.


    “Thanks Ash and by the way, you are breathtaking.  I still can’t believe you made us wear these though.”  Ashley laughed a little.  “It wasn’t completely my idea.  Mads and Ky thought it would be fun.”  She added.


    Spencer’s eyes were glued to Ashley the entire ride to school.  The dress she wore left so much to Spencer’s imagination.  The blonde’s logical thoughts were clouded by overwhelming emotions of complete lust for her girlfriend.  ‘Keep your hormones in check and have fun Carlin.’  She kept reminding herself.




    The room was dim and there was a thin blanket of fog covering the floor in the gym.  Blue lights flickered from wall to wall lighting up the makeshift cemetery that spanned the length of the entire room.  Lined in the center of the graveyard were large round tables half of which were already occupied by groups of teens.

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