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    You Said Forever-Chapter 1 (Saying Good Bye)


         Chapter 1

         "Hey baby, I’ve missed you."

         "Ashley? …Where am I-"

         "Shh… We’re together now Spence, you’re okay."


         I remember hating god for what he did. He took the only thing I ever loved away from me. The only thing that kept me sane, breathing, happy, my everything, he took it away, all for himself. Ashley Davies Born Oct. 21st 1989-June 10th 2007. I cringe everytime I read her name on this marble grave stone. She was never suppose to go like this. We had our whole lifes a head of us. She’s 17. Seventeen! Who dies at seventeen? And expescailly at their prom from a drive by shooting? She wasn’t suppose to die. Not like this.

         "Spencer, we should go…" A warming voice said behind me while placing their hand on my shoulder. It was Kyla. She looked as if she knew I couldn’t be here much longer. But see I’ve been here everyday to see Ashley since the funeral, this was just the first time I saw Kyla here as well.

         "Yeah, you’re right." I told her still looking at my girlfriends name on the glossy stone. I bent down on one knee and traced my finger over her ingraved name.

         "Good bye beautiful." I whispered thinking just maybe, somehow, she could hear me. I got back up and dried my tears that had fallen from my eyes and turned to Kyla who gave me a small smile. I tried to give her one too, but it was like I forgot how to since god took Ashley away. But like I said, I tried. She gave me a nod and we headed to the path to get our cars.

         Once we got there I gave Kyla a hug good bye and drove out of the cemetery. I didn’t want to go home just yet, instead I decided to go to the beach. The sun was just about to set, and nobody is really around at this time. I made myself comfortable in the sand and breathed in the fresh ocean sent. When I realized where I was sitting, I sighed and closed my eyes, going back to a place when it was just me and Ashley.

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    1. its so sad that ashley is dead and spencer is all alone and hurting but i love your story so please continue with it….i loved your last story so sad to see it go!!!!!pms plz!

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