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    You Said Forever-Chapter 2 (School Sucks)



         Chapter 2

         I woke up to my blaring, beeping, alarm clock. 6:30a.m. Time to get ready for school. School started about a month ago, and everything is so different. Not only did I lose my girlfriend in the shooting, but I lost my brother. School just sucks now. Ashley was my everything, and school was just the place where I got to see her everyday, and Clay was probably the best brother anyone could ask for. He always had my back when things got wierd, I’m no saying Glen doesn’t have my back, cause he does, just in his own Glen way. But Clay was more understandable and just sweet. Not to mention he was Chelsea’s boyfriend, she’s pregnat with his baby, and now she’s left here all alone to take care of it.


         Well after my shower and little breakfest, I drove myself to school. Did I mention school sucks now. Hardley anyone talks to each other anymore. Aiden and Kyla broke up, my and Aiden haven’t spoke since prom night, but me and Kyla still talk, along with Chelsea. Madison seems to give a shit, she still thinks she’s the best thing that walked this earth. If you ask me, I wish she would have gotten shot and not my Ashley. But besides all them I’m doing horrible in school. I don’t listen to what the teachers are saying, I don’t learn anything, I don’t do homework, and I’m pretty sure I’m almost failing all my classes… Latley I just haven’t cared.

         1st, 2nd, and 3rd period went by slow, but now its lunch. I got mine and saw Chelsea sitting at a table by herself so I sat with her.

         "Oh hey, Spence."

         "Hey Chelsea, how are you?"

         "I’m doing okay ya know, just taking one day at a time with everything, what about you?"

         I hesitated, I’m horrible really. I just want them back so things weren’t this way, so weird and hard.

         "I uh, you know the same, just taking it one day at a time." She nodded her head in agreement. We were quiet for a while till I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Kyla, holding something in her arms.

         "Hey Kyla, what’s up?"

         "Um hey Spencer, I-uh, found this last night…" She said handing me what seemed to be a scrapbook.

          "I thought you should have it." She finished. I looked at the cover of the book it read Me & Spencer. I shifted my eyes back to Kyla who was just about to walk away.

         "Thanks Kyla, really." I said softly. She gave me a small smile, nodded, then walked off to where ever she had to go. I put the scrapbook in my backpack and prayed that these last three hours went by quickly.


    End of Chapter 2

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