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    You Said Forever-Chapter 3 (You're A Dream)



         Chapter 3

          As soon as the bell rang for 6th period class to end, I jolted out of my seat and got in my car. I got home and went straight to my room. I sat on my bed and unzipped my backpack, pulling out the scrapbook. I rested it on my lap and opened to the first page. It was full of old notes me and Ash wrote to each other when we were just friends. I smiled as I read them and turned the page when I was done reading them. This page was full of pictures of us. Oh god she looked beautiful in all of them. I let my finger trace her face in a picture of her smiling that nose crinkle smile. I miss her so much. Her touch, smile, smell, kiss, everything, I miss it. It’s not fair that she had to go. I hate this. I felt a warm tear fall silently from my face as I flipped the page. This one had even more pictures, I was in all of them, along with Kyla, Aiden, Ashley’s dad, and just a bunch of us hanging out before any of this happend.

         She always looked so happy. She was happy, we all were, so why did she have to leave? I was crying by now, more tears flowed down my face. I closed the book knowing I couldn’t handle looking at it much longer. I placed it on the night stand and laid back on my bed. All my crying was making me weak, and tierd, so I let myself drift to sleep.



    (Now in sleep mode lol)



         "You need to start doing better in school." I heard a fimiliar voice say. I shot up and saw my beautiful burnette sitting at the end of my bed, just smiling at me.

         "Ashley?" I said as I moved closer to her.

         "Hey baby." She said softly.

         "Oh Ashley, I miss you so much!" I said burring myself in her embrace. I could feel her again, she felt so warm, and I finally felt safe again. She pulled away from the hug and took my hands.

         "I’ve been here all along, right here." She said as she placed one my hands to my heart.

         "I know Ash, and you’ll always be in my heart, I just miss seeing you everyday, nothings the same without you here." I trailed off. She smiled and cupped my cheeks.

         "I know Spence, I miss you too, everyday." With that we just stared at each other. I watched her as she leand in slowly, her lips met mine. I felt her warm, smooth, soft lips on mine again. She leand us back on my bed, never breaking the kiss. I placed my hands on the back of her head and deepend our kiss. After a few minutes we parted. She looked down at me and smiled.


         "I love you." She whispered softly while brushing some of my hair back that had fallen out of place.

         "I love you too." I whispered back.

         "I have to go now, but I’ll see you again soon, I promise." She finished kissing my cheek. Before I had time to reply, she was gone, and so was I.


         "Spencer, dinners ready!" My mom yelled from outside my door.

         Thats when it came to me, it was just a dream…it was just a dream?


    End of chapter 3


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