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    You Said Forever-Chapter 4 (Come to Realize)



         Chapter 4

         Since it was a friday night I decided to call Chelsea and ask if we could hang out for a bit and talk. She didn’t mind so I went to her art studio. I let myself in and noticed she was painting.


         "Hey Chels." I greeted while shutting the door behind me.

         "Hey Spencer." She said. I walked to where she was and sat down in a chair.

         "What are you working on?" I asked trying to bring up converstion.

         "I don’t know yet, I just feel like painting, just to keep my mind off things." She said stroking her brush up and down. I nodded.

         "So what’s up? Everything okay?" She asked. I guess now’s my cue to tell her about the dream I had.

         "I don’t know Chelsea, things have been weird." I told her playing with my hands nervously.

         "How weird?" She asked taking a glance up at me then continued painting.

         "Well when I got home today, I was looking at the scrapbook Kyla gave me, but I had to stop because I couldn’t help but cry…" I started to say. She put her brush down and sat down next to me, waiting for me to continue.

         "Then I feel asleep, and I had a …dream, about her." I spoke more softly. I could tell I was seconds away from crying, she must have noticed it too because she put her hand on my knee for comfort.

         "But it didn’t even feel like a dream… It felt so real, I could feel her again, and we were talking and everything, I don’t know Chels it just seemed so real, like she was actually here again." I finished as tears fell from my eyes.

         "Wow.." Was all she got out.

         "I know, and in my dream she even said she’d see me again soon, tell me im not crazy.." I said looking up at her.

         "Spence, you’re not crazy. That is weird, but it doesn’t mean you’re crazy." She said rubbing my knee.

         "Do you ever dream about Clay?" I asked. She sighed.

         "No, I’ve never had a dream about him, I think about him and miss him alot, but I have never had a dream with him in it." She said softly. We were quiet for a while.

         "God! I miss them so much!" It was never suppose to be like this.." I blurted out.

         "I know, I know, but we just have to be strong Spence, It’s for the best." She said moving up from her seat and pulling me into a hug.


         We talked for a while longer about things before I told her I should probably get going. I gave her a hug goodbye, said thanks, and walked out to my car. I decided to take the long way home, just so I could have some time to think about everything. Why does this have to be so hard. Why did I have to dream about her? And why didn’t it even feel like a dream. It felt so real, the way I felt her warmth from her hug, her touch of her hands on mine, and her soft kiss, the way I could taste her lips when they were on mine, and even the way I missed them when she pulled away. What did she mean by she would see me again soon? This just doesn’t make sense.

         Driving down the road I decided to find a CD to keep myself distracted from my thoughts. Flipping through the case one slipped out and rolled down towards my feet. "Damnit.." I sighed. I bent down, taking my eyes away from the road. Before you could even count to 3 and before I could even feel the CD in my hands, I heard a loud horn honking towards me, the sound was way too close and I knew it was coming straight at me. I shot up, wide eyed, I saw nothing but bright lights blinding me before our cars collided, and I saw nothing but darkness.


    End of chapter 4


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