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    You Said Forever-Chapter 5(With You Again)



         Chapter 5


         "Spencer, stay with me honnie, you’re okay to be. Stay with me… Stay with me.."


         I remember seeing my mom. I remember how cold her hand was holding mine. I don’t remember how I got to the hospital though. I remember laying there drifting asleep while people around me were scattering. I remember opening my eyes, I think for the last time and seeing my mother crying like she did when my brother died. Her hands covering her mouth as she walked over to me and brushed my hair back. She was saying something, but I couldn’t hear her. Thats when I felt weak, couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. If I was dieing, I wasn’t scared. Something in me knew I’d be okay. I felt like I was going somewhere I belonged. Going to someone who loved me. I was going to Ashley, and I could feel it.




         "We love you Spencer… I love you." Paula whispered softly in her daughters ear, she knew she was gone and going to in a better place.

         "I’m so sorry Paula… we tried everything we could…I’m sorry." The doctor said softly placing a hand on her shoulder.

         "I’ll give you sometime alone…" He finished walking out of the room.

         Paula was sad but new Spencer was going to be with the one she loved, she smiled at her daughter and kissed her forehead.

         "Take care of my baby Ashley…. Take care of her." She whispered looking up at the celing. Paula stood up from the seat beside Spencer’s bed and walked to the door, she took one last look at her lifeless daughter and smiled small before leaving the room.




         "Hey baby, I’ve missed you."

         "Ashley? …Where am I-"

         "Shh… we’re together now Spence, you’re okay."

         She truely is an angel. She looks even more beautiful then when she was in my dream. She looks happy. I must be in Heaven…

         "But I don’t understand, am I, dead, Ash?" She walked closer to me and took my hands. I can feel it again, the warmth from her body caressing mine.

         "Yeah Spencer, I’m sorry… You didn’t make it." She spoke softly with a slight frown. I smiled.

         "Don’t be sorry Ash, because now I’m here, with you, right where I always wanted to be." I said cupping her cheeks. She smiled bright and leaned in meeting for a passionate kiss. We both felt the magic in this one, it was powerfull, gentle, and even beautiful.

         We parted and rested our foreheads on each other.

         "I’ve missed this." She said softly rubbing her thumb against my cheeks.

         "Me too… So much." I backed away to look at her heavenly brown eyes and loving smile.

         "So, I guess there really is a love that last forever." I told her.

         "If you believe, and truely love, then yes." She spoke wisely.

          We smiled at each other and met once again for a radiant kiss.


         I guess after all life wasn’t that bad,

         because in the end of it all,

         I got the one thing I wanted all along,

         My Ashley.


    End of Story


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