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    You’re Everything To Me – (Chapter: Baby I Love You)

    "Oh God Spencer!!  Don’t stop!"  Ashley’s voice echoed throught the whole car.  It had been a hard day, and both of the girls just needed the release and escape from the world.  

    At the moment Spencer’s head was down between Ashley’s thighs while her hands were on the brunette’s hips, pulling Ashley’s body closer and closer.  Spencer’s tongue was buried deep inside.  Occasionally she would press her tongue against the girl’s clit, making the girl moan even louder.  

    "Spence…I’m…so close, baby please…don’t stop."  Ashley’s hands were pulling at the backseat, bucking her hips wildly.  

    The blonde groaned, sending the vibrations up Ashley’s body.  Feeling the brunette becoming closer to orgasming, she pulled away and replaced her tongue with her fingers.  Quickly picking up the tempo, Spencer’s fingers moved quickly and deeply inside Ashley.  She could feel Ashley’s thighs tighten on her hand, but didn’t let up on the pace, if anything, Spencer went faster, harder, and deeper.  

    "Oh God SPENNNCERRRR!!!"  Ashley’s hips came off the seat of the car. Her head was thrown back as the scream ripped from her throat.  

    Spencer’s fingers kept moving until Ashley came down from her orgasm.  Pulling her hand away slowly, she sent another tremor off in the girl.  Licking her fingers clean of Ashley’s essence, she crawled up over the girl and smiled.  "That was amazing Ash.  Mmmm, you still taste so sweet."  

    Ashley groaned and closed her eyes when Spencer said those words and sucked on her fingers that she was just fucked by.  

    Giggling, Spencer kissed Ashley’s lips, the brunette’s taste still lingering on her tongue.  "Let’s start heading home so we’re not out here all night."  

    Ashley’s eyes opened, "You sure you can wait that long babe?"  

    "I think I’ll be fine for a few more minutes."  Spencer’s hips bucked once into Ashley’s, getting her to groan again.  "Come on Ash, I’ll drive while you put your clothes back on."  She replied climbing over the seat and sitting behind the steering wheel, while Ashley got dressed.  

    On the ride home, the car was silent and smelled heavily of heated sex.  There were occasionally noises from Ashley as she attempted to put her skirt back on along with her black top.  

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    1. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

    2. ver very cute i like it a lot kepp it up pms !!!and I have a cuestion is that what ashley needed to tell spenc ? i tought it was something bad ..thank gow it ws not!

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