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    You’re Everything To Me – (Chapter: Dad Knows…)

    Sunlight streaked through the open window, warming Ashley’s face.  Rolling over, she burried her head into another warm body sleeping next to her.  Ashley smiled in her sleep loving the scent, lightly running her fingers up and down the soft skin she felt, Ashley kissed the girl’s lips.

    "Mmm…Hey baby, good morning."

    "Morning Spencer."  She kised the girl’s lips again putting more passion behind the kiss.  Pulling away she looked into her fianceé’s georgous blue eyes.  "So what are we going to do today?"

    Spencer sat up and rested on her elbow.  "Well I was thinking that I go take a shower then we go see my dad and maybe everyone else since we basically ditched them."

    Ashley smiled and then broke out into laughter,  "Yeah, well this was way better than going to the club."  Ashley got a serious look on her face, "Are we going to tell them today?  I mean you’re parents?"

    Spencer smiled; "We’ll wait a few days for my mom, but you know my dad will be happy to hear the news."  Spencer’s eyes were partly closed as she spoke.

    Ashley watched as Spencer fell back asleep.  Not wanting to wake her up again, Ashley got out of bed and quickly showered.  She didn’t take long, just washed her hair and body and let the water run off her for a few minutes.

    She didn’t take long as she shut off the water and stepped out back into the bedroom.  Spencer was still asleep, curled up in Ashley’s pillow.  The brunette smiled and got dressed, picking out a jean skirt and a camo spaghetti strap shirt.

    Walking out into the living room, she grabbed a light blanket and headed out to the pool deck.  She was glad that she was able to put a cover over a few of the chairs just in case someone dosed off and didn’t get burned to hell.  Laying the blanket on the chair, Ashley sat down in it and got comfortable.  She closed her eyes and started to drift off into a light sleep.

    Spencer woke up a half hour later, stretching and wiping her eyes.  She got up from bed and decided to look for Ashley after getting dressed.  Throwing a pair of jeans on and a baby blue tank top.  Looking in the mirror she smiled, because her eyes were brighter. Walking outside into the backyard, the blonde spotted Ashley sleeping on a lawn chair.  "Ash…Ashley, wake up baby"

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