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    A TiBette Love Story: Flirt Alert (14)

    "Ladies, dinner is ready to be served.  Would you prefer to stay seated on the upper deck or retire to the formal dining area downstairs?"


    Bette looked at Tina to make the decision.  “Miss Kennard?”


    “We’ll stay, thank you.”  Tina answered.


    “Very well, ladies.  Dinner will be served shortly.”  The crew member left the upper deck area.


    “I hope it’s okay?”  Tina questioned.


    Bette looked intently into those beautiful hazel eyes and spoke in raspy, soft whisper.  “Tina…I want whatever you want.”


    Seeing that gaze and hearing the way those words slid smoothly out of Bette’s mouth made Tina’s heart flutter.  ‘If only you knew what I wanted right now…’


    The atmosphere on the Cloud Nine’s upper deck was extremely serene.  The women were surrounded by the calm waters of the Pacific Ocean with light filtering upon them by the moonbeams, clusters of stars in the dark sky and flickering candles at their table.


    Tina and Bette continued to sip on red wine and steal glances at one another. 


    A crew member returned to serve dinner.  He set down two small side salads, along with two plates of filet mignon with wild mushroom and red wine demi-glaze sided with a twice baked potato.  “Is there anything I can else bring you ladies?”


    Bette shook her head ‘no’ and Tina requested some water.


    “I’ll return with you water immediately,” he responded before walking away.


    “Water?  Don’t tell me you’ve already got a buzz going on,” Bette teased.


    Tina lightly chuckled.  “I told you I was a lightweight.”


    Bette slowly swirled the wine around in her glass and brought the glass up to her lips to take another sip.  “Apparently.”


    Tina swallowed hard as she watched Bette’s actions and thought ‘Does she have to move in that fucking sexy way?’


    Bette gestured to the meal, “Please, enjoy your meal.”


    As Bette began with her salad, she noticed Tina set it aside to move the filet mignon closer.  “Not into the vegetables?” Bette asked with a soft laugh.


    Without thinking, Tina blurted out, “I’m definitely more a carnivorous creature.”


    Bette put her salad fork down and raised an eyebrow.  “Oh really?”


    Tina chuckled nervously.  “I’ll have some rabbit food if I have space left.  How is that?”

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    1. They are both guilty as hell and ought to be locked up for a couple of hundred years. Alone, together. Hmmm…what an interesting thought. Excellent chapter again flirt master, eh, LuvTiBette. :p Here I am grinning like an idiot (in the middle of the desert).

    2. i love the banter between these two…no one is giving in. :)and we are still on the main course. i wonder what happens during dessert…and after dessert? will more action happen-and this time, less verbal? ;)

    3. Thank you, lovely chapter! Well, let’s see if my comment inspires you somehow… firstly, I truly think you should start writing 10-page chapters! It is like torture to come here and realize that I have only 3 pages to appreciate! Actually, if you write a 10-page chapter next time, I’m sure you will be able to fit a kiss now and then! ;) I hope “dessert” is a metaphor for French kiss!

    4. “I’m not a ventriloquist,Bette”… loved that line along with all the other delicious flirting! Absolutely adorable. I’m hoping you’ll present more evidence before the judge rules on who is the biggest flirt…. dessert has such possibilities!

    5. I think a sweet kiss is in order for dessert. That chapter definitely required a “flirt alert.” :) I hope they don’t wear themselves out with all that flirting. By the way I love twice-baked potatoes. Thanks for posting!

    6. Luv – oh man! I thought since i live in your mind you’re in mine and you’d know it won’t be one of the other – it’ll have to be apple pie ala TiBette with lots of flirting and kissing and …….LOL!!! Great update and so love the flirting – was smiling from the beginning to the end of the chapter – now on with dessert. And dessert would be ????? Roomie- i’m actually going to leave you to write the next one and not live in your end this time – Sorry ;)

    7. I’ve just caught up with all the chapters of your story, and can I say what a delight it has been to read!!? Love the sexiness, the playfulness. It is hard to write good dialogue in these situations, but you have mastered it. I am enjoying this very much! Thank you!!

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