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    And Then…You.

    Stevie woke to the wonderful feeling of lips pressed against her neck around 3 a.m.  She couldn’t think of a better early morning wake up.  Her senses immediately came to life as she felt those soft, plump lips descending in a southward direction.  A brush in the right place made her emit a small moan into the silent, dark hotel room.  Her anticipation became immediately noticeable as Bette settled between her toned thighs.  A small smile crossed her features as she noticed.  Stevie could see the condescending yet oh so sexy smile in the dark as she blushed slightly.  No woman had ever gone toe to toe with Stevie and won.  She was always the one that made women blush, make them flush, made them moist.  But now as she lay in the Tokyo hotel and reveled the feeling of a warm slick tongue gliding through her folds, she realized that she had not only been conquered sexually but emotionally as well.  It terrified her to think about it so she usually chose to not think about it.  This woman flew thousands of miles for her, to be with her.  There was no way to doubt that love she felt towards Bette had grown and was very much mutual.  She was pulled from her thoughts as the overwhelming feeling of two fingers entering her shattered her composure.  She almost screamed from the sudden shock.  No one knew how to push her buttons as Bette did.  She attributed it to the emotion she felt towards her, but even the first time they had become intimate Bette knew just where to touch her and when.  She knew all the right things to do without her ever having to say a word.  Bette captured her lips in a heated lip lock.  She moaned and gasped for air as Bette never left her lips for long capturing each one like a hidden treasure to remember forever.  She pumped in and out ferociously.  It was as if her fingers were a method to prove her love.  Stevie didn’t need that, though she surely wasn’t going to complain right now.  As corny as it may sound Bette had her at hello.  Stevie broke the kiss and opened her eyes for the first time since she fell into peaceful sleep along side of Bette.  She placed her hand on Bette’s right cheek and they locked eyes.  It was a non verbal expression of their mutual passion.  It seemed to bring Bette to a calmer and steadier pace.  She ventured deeper and deeper.  Stevie couldn’t remember ever receiving such care and pleasure before in her life.  She wished she could sock up this feeling forever as the uncontrollable waves of passion finally overtook her.  The look in Bette’s eyes said she could.   Yeah she was in love.  There was no doubt about it.


    1. Congrats on graduating vibes…well done!!! You know I love this story, love it love it LOVE IT!!! It is wonderful how they have been able to heal each other’s broken hearts, and also how they know now they love each other so much, and no one, like tina, can screw with them again.

    2. Congratulations on finishing & the upcoming graduation. Who in the world would forget or lose interest in THIS story? We figured we’ll be patient whilst you finish the lil school thing so you can get back to what is really important FAN FICTION!…lol. Seriously though congrats dear.

    3. Welcome Back Vibes!!! First let me say congrats on graduation. That’s awesome (and if means that you have more time to write about Bette and Stevie than I’m a happy camper). Even this was a short one it was spicy and much appreciated by your loyal readers out there. Can’t wait to see where you go w/ Bette, Stevie, shane and the rest next….post soon and happy holidays.

    4. Well considering you were busy doing your finals etc…(which by the way Congrats on finishing!….)you certainly managed to come up with a very short but very hot little…what a way to wake up for Stevie!..Nice one!…looking forwrd to more of this when you get a chance…Have fun on Thurs!

    5. OH, I guess we have to cut you some slack since you had finals and all. Congrats on the graduation. Love this story especially since both parties involved are so use to being the one in controll.

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