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    And Then…You

    The 3 women met in the hotel lobby at 6 that next morning. They had a 14 hr flight ahead of them and there was no time to waste. Alice was there first as the other two approached, hand in hand.

    Alice: “Well don’t you two look absolutely terrible? I take it you’ve worked everything out?”

    She said with a yawn.

    Bette: “Look who’s talking. Why are you so tired?”

    She asked as they headed towards the door.

    Alice: “Oh no reason.”

    Stevie followed Alice’s gaze as they exited the building. She was positive she saw the receptionist from NetOp. Bette was the first to enter the cab.

    Stevie: “You hound dog you.”

    Alice gave her a sly grin.

    Alice: “I have no idea what your talking about.”

    They both laughed as they join Bette in the cab.

    The ladies were lucky to find seats in the same row, Bette sitting next to Stevie and Alice on the other side. Remarkably they had boarded and were now departing without incident. As the flight began Alice had knocked out shortly after. Bette and Stevie were too happy chatting about anything and everything to sleep. Well they spoke about everything but the obvious such as; where Stevie and Xavier were going to live once they got back, what they were going to do about Tina, and how to handle the Angelica situation all together. But for now they were alone in their own little world. They’d remain there until they reached the states.

    About 8 hrs into the flight a content silence fell between them and they were each left to their own thoughts. If they only knew that their own thoughts revolved around each other. They bother absentmindedly stared at the on flight movie in front of them. Sack Lunch or something. As Bette looked on she felt the familiar sensation of a hand creeping up the inside of her right thigh under her tray. She welcomed the distraction from the bad movie. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh as that hand ventured desperately close to her awaiting center and then nails being drug across the course fabric of her jeans. She had had enough.

    Bette: “Bathroom?”

    Stevie didn’t answer just stood and helped Bette to her feet as they roused Alice so they could file out. She shook her head as she turned to her other side and nodded out again.

    They impatiently waited in the bathroom line but were soon together in the tight space. That didn’t matter much to either as they fought to get enough of their clothes off to have the release they were both seeking.

    Shortly after they exited to the frowning faces of a few passengers as they tried to suppress their laughter. They rejoined Alice back at their seats and were soon sleeping for the first time since the flight started.

    They got off the plane and were greeted by Shane, Kit and Xavier at the gate. Upon laying eyes on his mother Xavier wiggle free of Shane’s arms and ran full speed towards Stevie. She dropped her bags, and for the first time Bettes hand, as she kneeled to scoop him up. She immediately engaged him in a rib crushing hug as she fought not to cry like an idiot in front of all these people. Shane and Kit caught up shortly after.

    Shane: “Sis!”

    Stevie: “Shania!”

    Kit and Bette embraced then everyone switched. Kit hugged Alice, Shane hugged Bette. In the mix Kit and Shane ended up hugging too as everyone laugh.

    Xavier: “Auntie Bette!”

    He reached out his arms demanding a hug that she eagerly obliged. Stevie looked on happily. Of all the women he took to Bette the most. I guess he knew. Everyone did at this point.

    Kit: “Well I see things worked out.”

    Bette and Stevie looked at each other and smiled.

    Bette: “With a few threats and near incarceration, yeah.”

    Shane smiled sheepishly.

    Kit: “Wait. Incarceration?!”

    Alice: “Such a long story, how bout we recap over a drink.”

    Bette, Stevie and Alice began to laugh hysterically as Shane and Kit looked on questioningly.

    After getting caught up at the Planet the girls returned home. Stevie, Bette and Xavier piled out of Shane’s car.

    Stevie: “Thanks for the pick up sis.”

    Shane: “Don’t mention it.”

    Stevie stood between the two houses staring at each other.

    Shane: “Ill take the big guy in the house.”

    Stevie: “Thanks.”

    Stevie and Bette met each other in the front of the car. Bette looked disappoint but she figured she couldn’t expect Stevie to instantly pick up and move in. They had to work stuff out she guessed.

    Bette: “So…”

    Stevie: “I guess I’ll see you later…”

    More disappointment. Stevie smiled.

    Stevie: “Just let me pack a few of our things.”

    Bette smiled wide as she pulled Stevie in for a kiss. After a few moments she broke it.

    Bette: “I hate to ruin a beautiful moment but what about Tina?”

    Stevie: “You let me worry about Tina. Just go make room for us.”

    Bette: “K.”

    Bette began to walk backwards towards her house.

    Bette: “You know I love it when you get stern with me.”

    Stevie laughed aloud as she turn towards her room to pack.


    1. Tina is just gonna have to get over the fact that Bette has found someone else. She cant take Angelica away from Bette. Bette, Stevie, and X could be a happy family together with Angie if Tina would let them. Hopefully she will soon. Great update, PPS.

    2. As much as it would tear Bette’s heart out, she has to stand up to Tina and tell her she will be with whoever she chooses to be with, no matter what. If she lets Tina use the baby to control her, Tina will have and use that weapon forever. I am so glad Bette and Stevie are together and happy…thank you Vibes! And very Merry Christmas to you!

    3. Score! Bette. Stevie and X back together as a family, I love it. So Atevie is going to handle Tina huh? Can’t wait to see how? Tina will probably just get nastier now that Bette and Stevie are together in spite of her best efforts to keep them apart. Whatever Stevie has planned I hope it works and please don’ let Angelica be a casualty of war the b/w Bette/Stevie and Tina. Hey vibes- th update was short, but sweet so no complaints here.

    4. Tina didnt want Bette,so let her be happy with Stevie and let the alpha Bette tell Tina that angie is not someone to hold over her head,that angie belongs to both of them and Stevie belongs to Bette thanks Happy Holiday and New Year thanks

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