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    Another Look Inside

    3 months has passed and Harmony was coming along quit nicely.  She was still going to work everyday working ridiculous hours.  It made Bette furious but when Harmony’s mind was made up there was little she could do.  Harmony was determined to get as much work done as possible until she was ordered off her feet permanently. 


    On the other hand Bette’s midwife classes were going well and she felt more and more prepared to give birth to her child.  They still didn’t know the sex of the baby but Harmony felt it was bad luck to know early.  Bette was satisfied that she got her to attend the prenatal appointments on a regular basis she didn’t want to push it.


    Bette came home late one evening after attending a class.  Harmony lay in bed with her laptop, pda and phone all around her.


    Harmony:  “Hey there doc!”


    Bette:  “Hi.”


    Harmony:  “Tired huh?”


    Bette:  “Exhausted.”


    Harmony:  “Awww well come lay down with me.  You hungry?  I’ll make you something.”


    Bette:  “No I just want to get in bed.”


    She disappeared into the closet and came out soon after in nothing but a t-shirt.


    Harmony:  “I love it when you’re tired.”


    Bette smiled.


    Bette:  “Why?”


    Harmony:  “You wear less to bed.”


    Harmony made room for her as she climbed into bed.  Bette snuggled close laying her head on her shoulder and rubbed her bulbous belly.


    Bette:  “I have been waiting to be here all day.”


    Harmony kissed the top of her head.


    Harmony:  “I’ve been waiting for you to get here all day.  We missed you.”


    Bette:  “We.  I love the way that sounds.”


    Harmony:  “Me too.”


    Bette:  “What’s going on?  Why’s the office in our bed.”


    Harmony:  “Event tonight.  I couldn’t really go in my state so someone else is covering for me.  It’s a junior rep though so they keep calling and texting every 5 minutes.”


    Bette:  “Aren’t you supposed to start taking it easy?”


    Harmony:  “I am.  I’m here aren’t I?  They’re making maternity clothes a lot fancier these days.”


    Bette:  “True.  I guess I’ll take what I can get.”

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    1. Oh, man u just cant leave it like that! I think i’m gonna cry! :`( Please post SOOON so we dont have to worry about Harmony and their baby. I hope they will both b okay. Bette would be devistated!!!!! And me too.

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