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    Assault With A Deadly Weapon PART TWO

    Assault PART 2

    Bette looked up at the darkened windows of the home she shared with Tina. "Shit, she’s working late again!" she said to herself as she unlocked the front door. She took a moment to check the mailbox and then shuffled inside.

    Just as she turned to lock the door and flip the lights she thought she felt a presence behind her. She hit the lights quickly and whipped around to confront the intruder but there was no one there. "Hmmmm, must be getting paranoid," she chuckled to herself.

    She walked to the dark kitchen and threw her house keys on the table before opening the fridge door to peer inside. She bent over to reach for a water bottle, way in the back shelf and stretched out her hand. It was difficult to manoeuver the bottle out without knocking something over and she cursed under her breath. "Fuck" she said frustrated but successfully obtained her prize and stood up closing the door. She then leaned against the fridge while she took a long drink from the bottle thirstily. "Mmmm," she said outloud. Sensing movement in the outer room she called out, "Tina? Are you home?" only to be greeted by silence and the red glare of tail lights as they passed her front window. "Car" she said needlessly.

    Bette grabbed her water and headed for the bedroom to relax and shower. She pulled her black turtleneck up over her head revealing a black lace bra as she walked on. She stepped into the bathroom, flipping on the lights and turned on the shower, preparing the water temperature then walked back slowly into the bedroom to remove the rest of her clothing. She set her bottle of water on the side table and plopped down on the bed taking off her black pants. She was slipping her pant legs off her long limbs when she heard a muffled sound coming from the kitchen. "Tina?" she called out trepidantly. She crept slowly from the bedroom searching for the source of the noise. When she got to the kitchen she flipped on the bright lights and blinked against the sudden glare. Walking around she didn’t notice anything that could be responsible for the sound. On a hunch she opened the fridge door, catching a jar of pickles before it could roll off the shelf. "Shit!" she exclaimed startled. "That was close", she said righting the jar. The jar must have been leaning because of her attempt to get her water earlier and finally fell over when the condenser kicked in on the fridge. The slight vibration probably caused it to fall.

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