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    Bette Porter coming out/early years 10

    This is the last call for flight 213 heading for L.A.

    The women heard the mans voice coming through the speakers making them pick up the sprint that they were already running. Due to Melvin’s overprotection of Bette and the countless questions he had for the teacher who was going to be taking his daughter clear across the continent he had managed to make them almost miss their flight. Bette slowed her sprint to a fast walk as she neared the boarding gate. Handing her ticket to the attendant she looked back for the teacher whom was still behind her running towards them.

    Beat ya Bette said with a smart-***** smirk on her face

    Ha ha very funny I do have a couple years on you, plus I dont want to have to hurt your confidence by out running you The teacher gave a quick smile and wink to as she handed the attendant her ticket also.

    The woman boarded the plane and were finding their seats, when Bette spotted them she made a mad dash for the window seat.

    Hey that is my seat Melissa said

    Well I won the race so I think Im entitled to the window seat. Bette’s face smiled her best smile she had

    Oh you think so huh. Melissa moved in on Bette with such speed that Bette didnt have time to react. Next thing Bette knew the woman was tickling her all over her stomach and neck.

    Okay…Okay!!!! You can have the window seat, you sore loser! Bette was trying to talk but was finding it hard between all the laughter that was coming out of her mouth.

    Bette was trying to get out of the teachers grasp and move to the seat beside her, when she finally opened her eyes she saw how close the woman was over top of her. Bette felt a lump in her throat and thought to her god this woman is so beautiful. They stayed in that position just staring at each other like they were searching each others souls. Bette moved her hand up to push the teachers hair behind her ear. Melissa could feel the sparks from just that simple touch but was confused on what to do she wanted to act on it and kiss Bette but she was terrified of it. She quickly started to tickle Bette again to break the stares.

    Okay okay Im moving.. Jeez just please stop tickling me!!! Bette laughed

    The flight went pretty smoothly neither woman really talking just sort of lost in there own thoughts.

    When the plane touched down both women exited the plane and were greeted by the mass amount of people in the airport

    Dang this place is busy Bette said wide eyed

    Yeah it gets a little crazy in here sometimes, come on lets go get our bags.

    Melissa started walking in front of Bette, a little to fast for Bette to keep up and next thing she knew the teacher was out of her sight, Bette started freaking and turning around in circles trying to find the woman.

    Oh my god, where did she go this is so not funny. Bad thoughts were racing through Bette’s mind about what she was going to do, when she felt an unfamiliar hand reaching for hers and wrapping it together with hers. She looked down and saw the hand intertwined with hers and became frightened she looked up to find the face that was attached to the hand. And felt a sudden urge of relief when she was greeted with the smiling face of Melissa looking back at her.

    Seeing the panic on Bette’s face Melissa became scared.
    Hey hey hon. are you ok?, Im sorry I thought you were right behind me and when I turned around you weren’t, Im sorry The teacher moved closely to Bette while she was talking to her trying to comfort her still holding her hand.

    DON’T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!!! Bette yelled pushing on the shoulder of the teacher

    Melissa knew that Bette was okay just a little freaked but she couldnt help but laugh a little at her reaction

    Its not funny!!!!

    Well Bette if you were really that scared you could of went to services and told them you lost your mommy Melissa couldnt help self she knew it was just going to piss Bette off even more but it was so easy.

    Ha your such a comedian you should go on the road. Bette said sarcastically looking at the woman straight in her eyes.

    Ah come on Bette I found you everything is okay just relax a little. Besides we need to getting going so we can get our bags, so come on slow poke.

    Bette gave her a pissed of smirk but was ready to get moving.

    Okay this time Ive got you okay dont let go of my hand and youll be okay.

    Bette looked down at their hands noticing for the first time that they were still together even through their whole conversation. God it fit so perfectly with hers and it was so warm and smooth and….

    Melissa yanked on Bette’s hand snapping her back in to reality.

    Melissa smiling at Bette. Come on weve got toe get going.

    And with that they made their journey through the airport to go to baggage claim.
    Once they had their entire luggage they made their way over to the car rental desk and then were on their way out of the sliding doors in search of their car.

    It is so beautiful and warm here. Bette said as she felt the warm LA air touching her cheeks

    Yeah the weather here is a little different form Philly this time of year.

    I told you were a comedian.

    I know I cant help myself you leave yourself so wide open for it. Melissa said with a sly grin on her lips. Spotting the car she quickly made her way over to it. Once the woman were both situated in the Tahoe Bette realized she had never really asked where they were staying on their trip, she was just to excited to even think about it.

    So where are we staying while were here? Bette asked looking over to the teacher

    And old friends house, youll see soon enough.


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