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    Bette Porter coming out/early years 11

    The drive to the place where they would be staying was full of questions wise cracks and good conversation between the two girls.

    Bette had been sneaking glances out the window of the SUV seeing all the different people that made up West Hollywood, different stores restaurants cafes etc..

    Man this place is so different from Philly Bette said

    Yeah you have no idea Bette; youre in for a surprise.

    The turned onto a small street lined with trees and small quaint houses with families children in the yards.
    They pulled into a driveway about half way down the street.

    Were here. Melissa said smiling at Bette

    Whose house…. Before Bette could finish her sentence she heard a very familiar voice calling for Melissa. Bette turned her head to see the face. The woman that was coming down to the walk, was a woman she trusted cared deeply for a woman who had always been their for Bette during her mothers death, her sisters disappearing acts, probably the only person that might know Bette completely.

    Miss Petterson??? Bette sat there with her mouth hanging open just staring at the woman that was opening her door.

    Yes silly its me, now are you going to sit there with your mouth open staring at me or are you going to give me a hug.

    There was no time wasted Bette jumped out of the car and threw her arms around the woman she had began to feel was a friend more than her teacher at one time. Bette felt tears coming down her face and she couldnt control them.

    Miss Petterson could feel Bette shaking in her arms and pulled her back to look into the beautiful girls eyes and see what was wrong.

    Bette honey are you okay?

    Ive…Ive missed you. Bette was trying to talk through the tears

    Oh honey Ive missed you to, now lets get the two of you inside before the neighbors start looking at us.

    With a chuckle Bette let go of the teacher and followed her into the house.

    Are you okay Bette?” Melissa asked with concern in her eyes

    Yeah Im okay just a little overwhelmed grabbing the teachers hand Bette looked her in the eye Thank you for bringing me here.

    Melissa lifted Bette’s hand to her lips and gave it quick peck not a problem.

    Miss Petterson showed the two girls to their rooms, the only two downstairs.

    No you two get situated in here and are down for dinner in 20 minutes okay.

    Both of them agreed and made their ways to unpack.

    20 minutes later both girls were making their way out of their rooms. Bette had a mischievous grin on her face waiting for Melissa to close her door.

    Whats that look for ? Melissa asked

    Do you want to go two for two today?

    Bette Porter walking past Bette you have to be joking if you think… and before Melissa could finish she was on a mad dash for the kitchen.

    Bette came dashing after her but was tripped up by the rug and fell right on her face.

    BAM!! Both Melissa and Miss Petterson made their way out of the kitchen to see what the loud noise was

    Melissa couldnt help but laugh at the sight of Bette laying face first on the hardwood floor. She made her way over to Bette to help her up.

    Guess thats what you get for trying to mess with me huh. The teacher replied kinda cocky

    HA ha thats funny, its that dang rugs fault or I would have kicked your butt again like this morning, now help me up please.

    Miss Petterson laughed at the jabbing going on between the two girls and just shook her head walking back to the kitchen.

    So whats for dinner Miss Petterson?

    Bette were not in class anymore and Im definitely not your teacher anymore so you can call me Cheri okay.

    Okay Cheri Bette felt kinda awkward saying her name

    So whats for dinner, and how do the two of you know each other so well that you would let her stay at your house for a week? Bette asked wanting to get to the bottom of this

    Cheri laughed at Bette’s directness; but then again that was Bette

    First off for dinner Bette were having sausage and peppers because I need to put a little weight on the two of you, as for the second question I will let Melissa tell you that one because she is better at telling stories then me.

    Bette looked over to Melissa looking for some kinda of answer.

    Bette, Cheri was my older sisters best friend since I think they were like in 8th grade. They hung out all the time and she was over at the house constantly so she became like another sister to me. They ended up going to the same college together and both decide to become teachers. After graduating they both had to go their separate ways in life because their careers were taking them to different parts of the country. My sister stayed her to teach and Cheri moved to the Philly area to start teaching at the school that I do now. She still stayed in touch with us I visited her she would come here. She is the reason that I decided to become a teacher. I went to visit her onetime and fell in love with the school she was teaching at after I went to visit my senior year of college. I got a call from her a couple months later informing me that she was going to be leaving her teaching position and if I was interested she would put a good word in for me, and that pretty much brings us to the present.

    Bette sat their stunned this woman was such good friends with her former teacher but had never had even hear of her.

    Plus she told me about this sweet girl that went to school there, and I couldnt resist. Melissa gave Bette a wink

    Bette felt her face becoming red and blushing and found herself looking away from the teacher.

    The women were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and a soft voicing filling the house.

    Honey Im home, sorry Im late but you know how it gets sometimes. I see Melissa is finally here

    The body that belonged to the voice made its way through the house to the kitchen. When the person rounded the corner to the kitchen Bette couldnt believe her eyes.


    1. Awww, how could you just do that! TBS is right, you’re a big tease! LOL! ; ) Oh, you know what, I bet the guy is Melvin! I just have this freaky feeling! Who esle could it be?????? Excellent job with the story. Don’t leave us waiting too long for the next chapter.

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