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    Bette Porter coming out/early years 12

    Bettes mind was going crazy. Standing before her giving the warmest smile was a tall beautiful brunette woman. A woman. She knows that she heard the voice saying Honey Im home but there was no way this was the person the voice belonged to. Bette stood there staring at the woman.

    Oh you must be Bette the woman moved over to Bette and gave her a tight hug Ive heard so much about you its so good to finally meet you.

    Bette stood there motionless this woman knew her was glad to see her but who the ***** was she. The woman stepped away from Bette and made her way over to Cheri and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

    MM.. Baby dinner smells good.

    Holy ***** Bette thought this must be whom she met and why she moved here. But Miss Petterson ***** no.

    Seeing the wheels turning in Bette’s head Cheri went over to Bette.

    Bette I would like you to meet my partner Teri, Teri Hatcher(sorry about the name but she is so hot I had to put her in my fantasy story)

    Your partner? Bette asked questionably

    Yes Bette Teri is my wife.

    Bette had a surprised look on her face.

    Are you okay Bette, I know this a lot and I meant to tell you earlier but…

    No no its okay …I…..Just didnt know you were… you know…


    Yeah Bette said relieved

    Well I didnt neither until I met Teri and everything just felt so natural and we fit together so perfect I couldnt deny that I was in love with her even though she was a woman. So I wasnt always but when the opportunity arrived I jumped on it no pun intended.

    Are you okay with it Bette?

    Yeah of course I am ….Im just a little surprised… I think its beautiful.

    Trying to break the awkwardness and nervousness Melissa spoke up.

    I think dinners ready so lets sit down and eat.

    The women shared dinner and some light conversation until the end of the meal when Bette asked Teri a direct question.

    Teri have you always been *****?

    Teri hearing Bette’s question almost spit out her wine.

    Well Bette it was always in the back of my mind but I never really took the time to think about it till I was around 18 or so. I started having these questions and feelings that were so confusing. You can ask my friends I was not a pleasant person to be around I was so confused, terrified and I felt all alone. Why do you ask?

    Um no reason I was..just wondering. When did you realize?

    Um about when I was 19 I met a wonderful friend. She helped me understand what I was feeling what I was thinking how to deal with and accept it, no matter if other people dont. She showed me how to be happy with myself and be proud of being ***** and not hide it because people were scared of it. Plus she was probably the best lay I ever had and that pretty much told me I was probably *****. Teri smirked at her comment

    Bette began blushing this woman was so straightforward so strong and out spoken.

    TERI Cheri gasped as she playfully smacked Teris arm

    What she asked. Teri said as she got up from the table clearing the plates.

    Melissa and Cheri got up to help on the way out Cheri stopped and kissed Bette on the top of the head and said dont worry youll get used to her directness.

    Bette looked up to Cheri Im glad she answered my questions.

    Thats why youre here honey thats why youre here.

    Bette stood up to make her way to the kitchen.

    So ladies whats on the agenda for tonight Melissa asked excitedly it had been awhile since she had been back to West Hollywood and she was ready to hit the town.

    What would you like to do tonight Bette? Teri asked

    Um.. It really doesn’t matter to me you guys know all the good place to go so Im up for about anything.

    Well we could take her to the new club Tequila Mockingbird(My friend and I made up the name for a bar.if nobody gets its cool, nobody around here does either) downtown. That is if she is up for it. Melissa wiggled her eyebrows at Bette

    Damn Bette thought this woman is driving me crazy, I love it when she does that.

    ***** yeah Im up for it, Ill kick your ***** on the dance floor too. Bette’s words trailed off as she made her way to her room to change.

    About 30 minutes later Bette felt she was dressed to the 9 and was looking as hot as she could.
    She was dressed in her new fitting jeans she had bought. A nice little t-shirt that snug to her body and clung to every curve of her chest perfectly. And of course she had her ***** kicking boots, as she liked to call them on.

    She could here the other women laughing from the kitchen and picked up her step. As she rounded the corner she hear Melissas voice

    Heres to you heres to me heres to friends we may be if we ever disagree. ***** you Cheri drink to me.

    Bette had walked in just to hear the last part of the conversation and was watching as the two women took their glasses up to their mouths and chugged the liquid that was inside.

    Hay I kicked your ***** again, you can never beat me. Melissa was giggling as she slammed her glass down waiting for Cheri to finish

    Well you do have a little more practice at these more than I do, I never did them until you corrupted me.

    Oh I forced it down your mouth! Melissa was starting to feel the warmth of the alcohol beginning to run through her body.

    What the heck was in that cup? Bette asked making all the women look back at her.

    DAMN Bette you look hot. The words slipped out of Melissas mouth before she had a chance to think it over. This caused both Teri and Cheri to look at each other and start laughing.

    Bette felt a little embarrassed and could only come up with. Um thanks you look really pretty too.

    Teri was the first to speak Its called a JagerBomb, Melissa is addicted to them.

    Am not there just so good I cant resist them. Melissa said hiccupping a little, taking a drink of her Red Stripe

    Whats in them? Bette asked questionably?

    Well it a shot of Jagermiester mixed with a half can of red bull. (I know red bull was around back then but it is my fantasy world)

    Whats it taste like Bette asked

    Both Cheri and Melissa looked at each other tapping their bottles together and speaking in unison

    Like Candy!

    The both laughed at the little joke that they thought they had made.

    Can I try one? Bette asked she had never been really into drinking, but she thought why the ***** not, you only live once.

    Um yeah I guess if you want is it okay with you Cheri?

    Yeah its fine but only one Bette and thats it.

    The girls gathered around the island in the kitchen. Teri proceeded to get two cans of red bull and distribute it evenly between the four of them. Next she got the four shot glasses filled the to the rim with Jager.

    Okay Bette what you got to do is take the shot glass and drop it into the cup. Teri said trying to direct Bette

    But be careful……

    Before Teri could finish Bette had dropped her shot glass into the cup causing a mixture of red bull and Jager to coming splashing out of the cup.

    Because if your not it will come splashing out like that.

    Melissa and Cheri started giggling and Bette just stuck her tongue out at them.
    Here Ill show you take your shot glass place it in but not all the way, now put your other hand over top of it, and drop it in. So now you only get it on your hands and not every where else. Teri gave Bette a reassuring wink.

    Okay ladies were ready, what are we toasting to know? Cheri asked

    Melissa piped up Better days and better lays!


    1. Yes Yes Yes. Thank you for posting, I’ll call of the pack. So I have to admit that the salute is one I use all the time except mine goes Heres to you and heres to me, in hopes that we should never disagree. Yet if we do to hell with you and here’s to me. That’s awesome that someone else uses that. No rush but please post soon. I hate to be a perv, but I can’t wait till Mel and B get on with IT.

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