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    Bette Porter coming out/early years 8

    Bette pulled her car into the 4-car garage and let out a long sigh. What a freakin day she grabbed her books out of the seat beside her and made her way out of the car. She noticed her father wasnt home and was relieved she didnt want to have to deal with his all his questions. She saw the car pulling in to the driveway as she was coming out the garage. The window rolled down.

    Im glad your home safe and sound now. The sweet voice said full of care and honesty

    Bette placed her hand on the door of the car and looked at the woman questioning everything she had been feeling everything that happened that day.

    Yeah I really appreciate you following me, but I would have been fine. Bette said with a half grin.

    The teacher placed her hand over bettes and looked deep into her eyes and said with no hesitation in her voice. Bette I care about you I just wanted to make sure you were all right, I wont to be here to help you through these difficult times your having. The woman let her hand linger on bettes for a little while and pulled it back when she could see bettes mood was changing. Bette could feel herself tearing up. What was going on with her why was she not as upset about her break up that just happened. Why when this woman spoke to her touched her or just looked at her why did she get weak in the knees and her breath become fast and erratic?

    Bette Im sorry I didnt mean to upset you anymore. I should probably be going.. Are you going to be okay?

    Would you mind coming in for awhile? I really dont fell like being alone and my father isnt home thank god. Just for a little while, please.

    Miss marsh could feel herself torn she did really want to be there for this young girl she reminded her so much of her when she was that age not so long ago. She could feel the confusion bette was having because there was a time when she was the same way. Confused, scared, afraid and most of all lonely.

    We could talk about the trip to Italy.

    Okay thats a good idea; we need to talk about that trip anyway.
    Miss marsh made her way out of the car and braced herself for what she was about to tell Bette. She knew it wasnt going to turn out good.


    WHAT DO YOU MEAN WERE NOT GOING TO ITALY!!!! (This is probably the only true part of the story that did happen to me. I was supposed to go to France my senior year but then the school cancelled it.) Bette was furious she couldnt believe what she was hearing. She quickly got out of her chair and started pacing around the room very quickly.

    How could you just tell me that know?

    Bette I didnt know I just found out today that is why I was at the school so late. Im so sorry.

    Your sorry my boyfriend someone who loved me wanted to be with me, dumped me because of this trip!!! Because *he* said the trip was more important then him and his family. And now your telling me were not even going!!!! Bette threw her hands up in the air in disbelief she couldnt believe what her ears were hearing Jacob had left her her dad hand already made plans to be gone when she was. Now she was going to be stuck at home by herself during Christmas break. JUST GREAT!!

    Miss marsh made her way over to bette who was now leaning with her arm on the wall and her head laying on it.

    She slowly placed her hand on the top of bette head an slowly started stroking bettes hair as she herself leaned up against the wall.

    I know how upset you are bette and Im so sorry. I fought for the trip as hard as I could; I knew how important it was to the class, you. Miss marsh had continued to stroke bettes hair just hoping to get some kind of response from her that she wasnt upset with her and she understood she did all she could.

    Bette please say something…

    Bette had not heard a word the woman had said she had been so focused one the feel of her touch on her hair that was sending goose bumps all over her body. And the closeness of her body to hers was driving her insane. She slowly turned her head from the wall and looked over at Miss Marsh. She could see this woman was defiantly sorry and had tried as hard as she could. Bette pushed herself away from the wall to stand up straight. Miss marsh moved her hand down to bettes shoulder. Bette stood in front of Miss marsh. She didnt feel scared at that moment in time she felt confident in herself. She slowly put her hands on the young teachers shoulders and pushed her against the wall. She stared directly into the woman’s eyes as she inched her face closer to hers. She could feel her breathe becoming heavy and hot. As she moved closer she could feel the woman’s breath on her on face and Bette thought she had never felt something so good. She moved her hand up to the woman’s face and started to caress. The teacher could feel her eyes starting to close and a large lump in her throat growing as she let out a long sigh. Bette heard and felt the sigh and dove into the woman’s neck, a place Bette had wanted to touch and taste for so long. God it was so sweet. Bette licked and nibbled at every area of the woman’s neck Bette couldnt get enough of her. But there was an area she longed to taste so much more. She slowly made her way up the woman’s neck reaching her earlobe and taking a second to lick and suck on it.

    Ah Bette.. Was all that could escape the woman’s mouth she knew this was not the right situation for Bette to be in but she couldnt deny the attraction she felt for Bette.

    Bette heard the teachers response to her and made her to the woman’s chin nibbling on it lightly. And moving farther north she felt the woman’s lips on her own. She could feel a shock go through her body at the feel of this woman’s lips on her own. She let her lips linger for a minute wanting to capture this moment, this feeling in her mind. Afraid to open her eyes because afraid it might be a dream. But when she felt the woman respond to her she knew it wasnt a dream and there was no waking up from this. She could feel the passion in the teacher kiss as it started out slowly and soft, but as time went on it became more erratic, each wanting more needing more. Bettes hands were all over the teacher one hand had found a comfortable resting place underneath the teachers shirt on her right breast and had began rubbing at it feeling the nipple harden bet slowly but gently began pinching at it through the lacy bra the teacher.

    Bette….ahhhh……goddd…..ahhhh.. The teacher broke the kiss and threw her head back and rested it against the wall.

    Bette took back her spot and the assault on the teachers neck she had started earlier. She took her other free hand and lifted the teachers left leg up to meet her hips and slowly started to grind against the teacher pushing her hard against the wall with every thrust.

    Bette…. stop….please…..stop..

    Bette stopped every motion she was doing and looked back up at the teacher.

    Oh my god Im sorry did I do something wrong? Im so sorry, please dont be mad at me.

    No hey Im not mad at you, its just honey this is neither the time or place for this. Okay, do you understand?

    Bette stepped away from the teacher and leaned against the wall and slid down it so that she was sitting on the floor, with her hands buried in her hands.

    No I dont understand, What is going on with me? Bette asked almost in a whisper

    Bette…. I cant answer that for you, that is something you are going to have to figure out on your own. Its ruff. The teacher takes bettes face in her hands and looked her straight in the eyes. But Im hear for you if you need someone to talk to anytime or anywhere.


    1. Yay! Welcome back! Missing your series. Well, it’s gonna be hard for Bette to figure it out with someone that she’s infatuated with. Can’t wait for the next one….

    2. It’s fan fic that’s all I’m saying and as the song goes “anything goes.” If had a few professors of my own that I would love to have in that position. Great writing. I’m hot.

    3. Wow I am so glad you are back! I thought this had been one of those storylines left in the air… *wink* I am extremely happy to see you continued. I really can’t seem to ever see Bette with anyone but Tina, but this is the only exception I made.
      Thank you for chossing to come back

    4. I have spent endless night waiting for you to post. And you grace us with your presence!! I absolutely loved it! And continue please sometime this week and not next MONTH! ;) And get over it Techgal…its FANFIC.

    5. Let’s story goes where the writer want to take it. It’s possible that Bette’s first experience with woman was her teacher. Didn’t we all have a cruch on our teacher once? Hopefully Porter will get lucky where most of us didn’t.(evil grin.)

    6. Oh come on Miss Marsh!!! That was kinda harsh! Oh, I made a rhyme! LOL! But ya, anyways, I really love the way you think JagerBomb. I actually just started reading this story and I think its wonderful. Great job and please continue soon.

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