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    Bette Porter early years/coming out chapter 6

    Bette quickly made her way home, hoping she could find some peace from her mind. She knew her dad would want to talk about school and she knew she had tons of homework to do. As she unlocked and opened the front door she looked inside and realized the house was totally slient.
    “Daddy” she yelled as she walked around the house.
    “Daddy” where the ***** is he she thought as she mad her way to the kitchen and there on the counter she saw the note.
    Sorry about not being there, but I had a meeting in New York that was an emergency. I will probably be gone all week. I will call you when I get a chance.
    Love Dad
    “Damnit” she said as she threw the note in the trash, he is always doing this he is never home. I swear I’m never going to be like that when I have kids.

    She grabbed a bottel of water from the fridge and made her way up to her room.
    She had been sitting at her desk for about an hour now and hadn’t accomplished anything. She couldn’t get the woman out of her head . She could still feel her warm soft touch on her shoulder. Could feel the electricitry that went through her body from that single touch. Why was she feeling like this? God she never felt this before. She had always liked boys and she loved Jacob for 3 years. They had even made love, not always as fullfulling as bette would have liked but she still enjoyed it,it made her feel so close to him. As bettes mind started to wander back to that afternoon so did her hands. She could feel herself carresing her stomach right above her jeans as if asking her mind if it was okay to proceed with these thoughts. When her mind finally screamed yes she slowly undid her buttons and zipper. She wasn’t really sure why she was feeling like this but she knew she needed something some kind of release or she was going to go nuts. She leaned back in her chair and could feel her hand sliding down inside of her jeans and slipping inside her panties. When her fingers finally reached there destenation she was amazed how wet she already was. Her fingers had a mind of there own as the knew exactly what she needed. It was slow at first just brushing up agianst her anxiously waiting *****. The first touch made bette let out a soft moan. She could feel her motions becoming quicker and more steady, as she slowly placed two fingers inside of her, she was amazed at how good it felt. She slowly started rocking her hips with a motion her fingers had already started. Images of Miss MArsh started flashing through her head, and there last conversatioin.
    “Did you see anything you liked?” the woman asked with a small grin on her face as she made her way towards the door right behind bette. Bette stood there motionless not knowing what to do or say.
    “Um.. I …Uh..
    The teacher kept her gaze on bette as she walked past.
    “You can tell me it’s okay. I won’t bite” Bettes heart skipped a beat as she heard these words. Was she thinking the same thing? Her questions were quickly answered when she heard the door shut and the loud click of the door lock that seemed to fill the room. She heard the woman walking up behinde her and could feel her brush up agianst her as she walked past her back to her desk. She put her hands on the side of the desk and slowly lifted herself so she could sit it with her legs crossed. “Have a seat.” the sound woke bette out of her daze. without hesatation she quickly made her way over to the chair. She sat there looking down at the floor afraid to look up afraid she wouldn’t be able to control herslef. “So you didn’t answer my question. Did you see anything you liked?” Bette slowly moved her stare from the floor up to the womans leg and followed that trail up to her eyes.”Yeah,..I did.” Bette slowly stood up and was standing infront of the woman and was placing her hand on the womans knee suggesting her to move them apart. The woman did so and bette slowly moved her hips in between them. She looked the woman in the eyes and could see the lust in them and knew she was feeling the same. “So..what did you see th… before the woman could finsh her sentence bette had her hands around the womans face kissing her passionatly. Pushing her tounge into the teachers mouth she could feel her body melt when there tounges met intertwining with each other teasing each other. Bette slowly moved her hands down to the bottom of the womans skirt and slowly started pushing the skirt up to her hips so that she could feel her body agianst the womans. Miss Marsh let out a soft moan when she felt the touch of bettes jeans agianst her, she quickly wrapped her legs around bette as if to pull her in closer. Bette had slowly moved her hand back down the womans thigh and was starting to caress it. She could feel her satrting a rocking motion agianst her. Bette slowly moved her hand from the womans knee and trailed it down the inside of her thigh and let it rest on the outside of her panties she could feel the woman shake a little and her bereathing become more heavy as she broke away from the kiss and leaned back on the desk proping herself on her elbows. “Please.. Bette.. Please ***** me.” That was all it took for bette to slowly move her way down the womans body and with quik removal of her panties bette was devouring the womans wet lips. She was licking all the sweet juices she could she loved the way this woman tasted. She started nibbling on the throbing ***** that was before her, “Ah. god….yeah right there bette… ahhhh.” Bette could hear the shuffeling of papers and pencils hitting the floor as the woman was looking for something to hold onto to brace herself.”Bette …..please ***** me please I need to feel you now… inside of me”
    Bettes whole body arched up from the chair she had been sitting in she placed her hand on her desk to braceherself as she thrust her fingers deeper inside of her finding and hitting all the right spots. She could feel the wave taking over her body as her head flung back and her eyes rolled back. “Ah.. god …Miss…” was all that could escape bettes lips as she came. She immediatly slouch forward letting her head rest on her desk licking her lips as she came back too. Her heart still pounding fiercely.
    “Ring …..Ring…..Ring….”
    The sound of the telephone surprised bette as she slowly answered and said hello she heard a familar voice.
    “Bette are you okay, were you asleep or something?” the male voice asked
    The voice made bette sit upright.
    “No..No jacob I’m fine!”


    1. this is lovely. I’m hoping Bette gets lucky with the teacher. She looks fine and seems imterested. Please post as often as u canm i’m getting hooked to this.

    2. Where are you? I check on your stories religiously and all I find are re-runs. Good ones, mind you, but repeats nonetheless. Come on, I wanna know what the hell happens between Bette and teacher!

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