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    Chapter 2 Confrontation


    Bette and Tina spent a leisurely weekend together. They had both taken Friday off because Tina’s period had come on extra strong this time and Bette wanted to be home to help her any way she could. Her own had started Thursday night but it had basically ended now while Tina was still in a lot of pain off and on so Bette enjoyed attending her, helping any way she could to ease Tina’s menstrual pain.

    Sunday evening she ran another hot bath with bubbles for Tina to soak in, to ease her sore lower back muscles. Tina was grimmacing as she entered the bathroom. "T, why didn’t you tell me the pain was coming back. We waited too long to get some more meds into you," she chastised gently.

    Tina gritted her teeth, "I know, but we were watching that movie and I thought I could make it until the end."

    "You’re more important then the end of a movie. Com’on and soak," Bette said helping her undress and slip into the tub.

    "Ohhh, this feels heavenly," Tina said sinking into the bubbles. Bette sat on the edge of the tub, content just to keep her company. Tina opened her eyes, "Stop worrying about me love, you’ve been wonderful spoiling me like this. It was really much easier to bear this time because of you. This is probably the last of it and I’ll be fine for work tomorrow, just some mild bleeding for the next two days. Hopefully it will be at least six more months before it’s bad like this again."

    "I love you," Bette said sinking down to her knees beside the tub and trailing her fingers through the bubbles. "You know I heard that having sex during your period can be very soothing," Bette mentioned casually.

    Tina didn’t bother to open her eyes as she shifted her position slightly, "Yes I’ve heard that too but who would want to?" she said. Tina opened her eyes when Bette didn’t respond just in time to see the blush creeping over Bette’s face. "You want to make love? You can’t possibly want me, like this?" she said clearly astonished.

    "I’m just saying it wouldn’t bother me to try if it would help ease your pain some." Bette stammered a little disconcerted,

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    1. Lady,so glad to see you back,Evenyone has a choice,we that read your story has a choice. Love Bette and Tina in any story. Just keep writing to please your self. Bette is so tender,gentle and loving with Tina,everyone should have a Bette. thanks

    2. Thanks for posting on this story. I’ve really enjoyed it so far, and I hope there’s more to come. I’ve enjoyed your writing on this site and I’m glad that you haven’t given in to critics. Thanks for posting!

    3. Three cheers to you cls for staying the course. If I had all the nice words all you writers have I would be saying something poetic so I’ll just go with that and three cheers to us for haveing you back. Now can you get me a Bette????Thank you, Md

    4. CLS, we are sooo happy to have you back! This story was so sweet in its content, that we were overwhelmed by the delicate and tender way in which Bette is taking care of Tina, while she is having a hard time with the cramps. It is such a vulnerable time, that a loving concerned partner is very welcome to ease some of the pain. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. PPS Lucero & Marsha (JC’s Salsa Aunties)

    5. Welcome back! So great to read you again, because this site is all about the stories, the support from and to our community, and of course the devotion and talent of the authors who have the courage and the generosity to share their stories, their thoughts and sometimes their soul with us. Thank you for giving me the honor to read your story.

    6. A triumphant return for one of the most gifted writers on the site! Thank you for putting your fear aside and following your heart (or maybe it was all of our hopeless pleas for more). I have missed the story and feel honored that you have returned it (and you) to us. PPVS!!!

    7.’re back!! YAY…I knew you couldn’t resist!! Glad you decided to go for it. Who gives a pooper what others think…mostly…..I love your writing and you entertain the hell out of me. And that IS ALL THAT COUNTS!! ha ha Please keep going!!! Okay and I mean it BTW, not kidding this time!! :)

    8. I’m quite proud of you for continuing to contribute your creative material, and pleased you took the several messages of support into consideration. Taking on subjects which can prompt difference of opinions is in my view the sign of a strong, gifted, and solid writer. Always let your own convictions steer your sails, the benefits are amazing. In the future, be mindful of the fact that those who may not appreciate the storyline, are not taking a thing away by not reading. They have a choice to forego a storyline if they oppose the content. However, those readers who are enjoying a particular storyline do not have a chance to “read” if a writer concedes and stops writing. The critic has choices they can make, but the content reader ends up with none. I’m looking forward to you continuing this tale and again, thank you for finding your way back.

    9. Hello My Fellow LL challenge friend… I am so beyond happy you found yourself back here, I am so freaking proud of you… it takes a big person to stand up the the challenges of their fears and triumph and you have done just that… you have such a gift to explore and create such amazing journeys with your words… you never fear to go to places some might be uncomfortable with… and you should never compromise your gift to satiate the few… keep pushing forward… keep telling the stories only you were designed to tell and let the rest fall into place… as for the story itself love how Bette is helping Tina through this time… it is a part of nature and most people even woman shun it… but it is a blessing in disguise and one day it will be rejoiced for helping give these two woman children of there own… mucho love and hugs, JC

    10. And the crowd goes wild as they stand on their chairs yelling for more!!! cls..I only saw now all the shit that’s been going on and my love…I am so proud of you for standing up to your talent and ideals…what would this world be if we stuck to the confinements of what people want or expect..we wouldn’t be were we are today…I was wondering what hapeend to you..always see your comments and have missed oyu so very much…great post…now bring it on!!! Show them how its done.

    11. I am happy to see you here and posting again, you are so talented and it would have been a terrible loss for us if you decided not to be the amazing writer that you are and scrambled to the critics’ wishes, you will always have diverse opinions that is not going to change. you are so full of love and sensuality and it’s true bless that we have you among the many great writers in this site, thank you for reconsidering your decision and for returning back. post soon C. Love

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