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    Jodie was busy watching a slide-show of her afternoon’s work playing out around her. She had set up a number of screens in a semi-circle to display Tina from various angles and used her computer to synchronize the show. She was now looping the photo’s she had taken. If she set the speed to high, each photo clicked on for a second before moving to the next image almost like a fragmented movie and she was really enjoying the show.

    She watched as the afternoon’s activities played out repeatedly in front of her eyes. She saw herself move to adjust Tina’s posture and smile as she complied. There was no sound, but the camera focused on Tina’s face, clearly showed her lips moving every time she cried out her lover’s name.

    Bette stood silently also watching the scene in front of her eyes. She just couldn’t look away. She watched Tina’s lips form her name and she watched the moment when Jodie smiled at the camera before lowering her mouth to Tina’s center. She remained frozen until the scene came to a halt and then began to replay again. It was almost surreal, like she was looking at someone else, other than the love of her life being raped by the woman standing twenty feet in front of her. Jodie was completely unaware of Bette’s presence. She was busy picturing how she would build this piece and the approach she would use. She felt a slight pang of guilt when Tina’s mouth whispered "Bette" as the scene looped. The uncomfortable feeling that came over her was rare in her experience and she wondered if maybe she had taken things too far this time. She finally shrugged away the discomfort, telling herself that only the art mattered. It was just sex, Tina wouldn’t remember and Porter would get over it soon enough.

    "Jodie!" Bette whispered softly but menacingly.

    Jodie turned quickly and was horrified by the look of sheer determination on Bette’s face.


    Tina was driving and talking to Alice on her cell, trying to calm her down. "I’m almost there Al, No just go home and wait. I’ll call when I have Bette and I promise we will explain everything. Thanks," she said to the frantic Alice. Alice wasn’t an idiot. She knew something was very wrong and just wanted to help but Tina thought that adding Alice to the current situation would just escalate things. Tina’s immediate concern was stopping Bette, not to protect Jodie but to protect their future together. Jodie could go straight to hell for all she cared. Tina screeched to a halt outside the studio and raced inside.


    1. Hello cls… you my friend just amaze me… first and foremost your notes made my day… you are brilliant and so very frank and honest and I love it… as for this ‘the final’ it was amazing… the emotions… the sheer adrenaline that was coursing through… just so powerful and then Tina’s punch leading to Tina’s proposal… such an amazing piece and that ending was pure inspiration… how to shatter a soul that has no morals… kill her dreams… you are simply amazing and passionate and well please come back soon… and yes for you I will wear Tights… hmmmmmm… do I look to fruity… LMAO… much love and hugs, JC (Latin Nephew to those Salsa Angels)

    2. Oh CLS I’m crushed that the arcs are ending for I have looked forward to each and every chapter! I do hope you start another story soon! I’m not opposed to begging so let me know if that would help. I’m not certain what part of the storyline I disagreed with per your comment — frankly I loved it all. I am so in awe of your talent and I hope you recognize that greatness inevitably produces conflict as well as jealousy…as evidenced by your experience in posting this storyline. Please let your greatness continue to shine…with a hug. East

    3. What a brilliant ending. True poetic (artistic) justice! Revenge can just be so sweet. You truly take us where we have never been taken before, and I for one just love it. I am also looking forward to your next stories. Please keep on doing what you do so well cls.

    4. What can I say? Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful journey. You are an incredible writer who I am continually astounded by how descriptive and authentic your stories are. The strength and courage that you showed by taking on difficult subject matter, yet handling it with such finesse was breathtaking and demonstrated your amazing talent. I am sad to see this beautiful story end; it is one that I will read many times. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Side note: I loved your author’s note…how appropriate.

    5. You really did make the earth shake under my feet cls, I had to go back to jump street with this one and chapter after chapter brough more and more of beautiful story of love and devotion to us, as only a brilliant writer could. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, take your bows, not only for your excellent skills but also for your excellent bravery and knowledge of you self. The world is a better place for people like you that stand behind your convictions and the lovely ladies and gentelmen of this site. Please come back to us soon with something new. Thank you, Md

    6. Tina does have a wicked right hook and I’m so happy that she decked Jodie. That right hook was good and having her destroy the sculpture was an excellent inspiration. I wondered what Jodi was thinking when Tina was telling her the terms of the contract. Good thing Jodi is as dumb as she is very talented, heartless, and completely egotistical. No copies of the photos, I can’t believe she was that dumb. But I guess that shows the level of her ego. I just wanted one of them to beat her into the ground. Never liked Jodie on the show because she treated Bette, Tina and Angelica very badly. Can’t stand her. But they did a good thing by destroying her work, that hurt more than any beating she could have received because now there is NOTHING left of the statue and no one wants to see any of her other work. YEA!!!!!!. Great chapter and you did a wonderful job with the stories, really liked the way you wrote each section. Great job, Please come back soon with another offering for us.

    7. hoooo what an ending!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur just amazing!! i love this story and the ending tina that was a great move i said it before the best way to punish an artist is to mess with his art. tibette are sweet how tina didnt want bette to hurt jodie, a smart woman. fab ending cls!! thank u for weverything. i read aaaaaaaalllll ur storys and hope u will start another one

    8. Wow this was one of the most amazing endings of a story that I have read, you did a magnificent job writing this story, it was so full of surprises and challenges for us as readers to read and for you as a writer to write, I appreciate all the efforts that you put while writing this story C, and the kind of openness that It took to accept and welcome all the comments left on each chapter. You are truly one of a kind, brave writer that we have on this site and I am so happy that we had the pleasure of knowing you and your talent through your stories. Thank you so much and I hope we can see another wonderful one soon. Love

    9. See, Bette, revenge IS a dish best served cold! Great job, cls. And, sorry, no relation to sevenofnine from Star Trek TNG. Needed an identity one morning and looked up at the clock – it was 10:05 and that’s what I used.

    10. Well, well, well….you sly writer you. I toltally didn’t see that coming. I thought Bette would kick Jodie’s ass and spend the rest of her years in prison for murder and Tina will kill herself or somethung from not being able to be w/ Bette. But what Bette and Tina did to Jodie by destroying her greatest piece of work was just so POETIC. I love the thought and planning and the way they destroyed the piece together, finally putting to rest that horrible day forever. OK, CLS….what’s up next? I know you’ve gotta have another story in you (or at least i hope you do). Don’t leave your fans (impatient as we are) waiting too long :)

    11. I am saddened that this story has come to it’s end. I have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of this ongoing story. I hope that you will continue to write despite some numb skulls inability to either not read or to act childish. Thanks for continuing even when you were ready to walk away. You are a better person for continuing.

    12. I was hoping stupidly that this chapter would never come..but you ended it off so well cls…and that BITCH got what she deserved…nice one TINA thats why I love you;)thanks for persevering through all the hard have shown strenght of character and have guided us writers in a way no one else could with your dedication to a great story!Thanks again..cant wiat for an new one..bring it on girl!

    13. What a fantastic end for this great story!!! You never cease to amaze me with your writing!! Thank you soooo much for sharing your talent with us. But you will be back SOON with a new story – wont you!? PLease!? please!!? PRETTY PLEASE!!!?? :) Thanks.

    14. Hey CLS, As they say revenge is a dish best served cold and here Tina and Bette did just that. Loved how the gals dealt with their anger at Jodi. Bette was sneaky in locking Tina in the closet before heading out to punish Jodi. And Tina was her equal in freeing herself for this prison and then saving Bette from doing something life shattering. Tina’s knock out blow was perfectly placed and just enough at that time. Sweet to see how these events brought Bette and Tina even closer. Tina’s proposal was so precious and emotional. The destruction of Jodi’s scrupture a fitting ending. Just awesome. Thank you so much for your courage and twisted thinking. A true original tale. Your Loyal Fan.

    15. That was almost more merciful than Jodi deserved… but it was fitting. It was how Tina and Bette were able to deal with what Jodi did, and I’m glad they were able to put it behind them and move on in a positive way. Great story, cls, thanks for writing it and sharing with us all. Please come back with another story soon. Take care.

    16. Well I’m glad that Tina punched Jodi and that she and Bette destroyed the sculpture, but I still think that Jodi got off a little too easy. Even if her dreams were crushed she still did something unthinkable to someone else. Your stories have been truly enjoyable and had a lot of people thinking. Thanks for posting, and I hope you write more soon.

    17. OMG that was brilliant… i was hoping to see the look on jodies face and you did not disapoint me/us… so glad tina got a nice punch in there… too bad she didn’t break her jaw… great job lady.. can’t wait to read what else you have up your sleeve…later babe

    18. I don’t believe that Bette would ever destroy art especially when it shows Tina. Even when the circumstances are as worse as the are I think she would appreciate it for what it showed – Tina’s love for Bette. But despite my opinion on this fact – the story was worth to read. I’m looking forward for more. :)

    19. Great job my dear, You finish the story and climbed the mountain,you didn’t give up. Love the punch to the jaw, that wasn’t enough,but satificed us. Tina and Bette was so brave to smach the piece and took all Jodie’s hope for a bright future. Hope to see your name soon on this site.

    20. Immortality!!!! I’m not as kind or level-headed as T I would have crippled her hands 4ever!!! But u as usual wrote a masterpiece of precision timing and mood. Thank u. and thank u for the shout out, u r very welcome to my support. Genius must not be denied. I’m hoping u will dream up another scorcher for us sometime in the not too distant future. Again, thank u for your time, energy, courage and creativity.

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