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    Confusion Chapter 2

         Tina walked through the movie set checking some last miniute details before they went into full scale production. So far, she had smoothed over three ego’s that needed attention and it wasn’t even lunch yet. She had accomplished most of her morning agenda so she headed out to the parking lot. She really wanted to get back to her office before lunch so she could finish up a few things beforehand. She usually ordered in on Wednesdays and enjoyed the accompanied peace and quiet in her office, before tackling the afternoon schedule. She was almost in range to unlock her doors and disengage the car alarm when she saw a brunette get out of her car a few rows over. Bette? She felt her pulse quicken and a flush appeared on her cheeks. The brunette removed her sun glasses, putting them in her purse and then Tina remembered to breathe. It wasn’t Bette. Of course it wasn’t Bette. What would she be doing here at the film studio? "Snap out of it Kennard, this is getting ridiculous", she thought to herself. She had spent more time then she was comfortable with, thinking about their brief encounter at the Planet over the last few days. She blamed it on her sense of curiosity but tried not to think too deeply behind the reasoning. She unlocked her car and drove slowly back to her office.

         "No absolutely NO!…..No, look, at this point I don’t really care what she says…Tell her to go to hell….No that wasn’t a joke…Yes i am aware that was the theme of her last show…LISTEN, Bottom line, if she is interested in working with us on this joint project, have her call me to set up a meeting. Otherwise I’m going to go elsewhere…… Yes, I agree, the show would be that much better WITH Jodie’s pieces in it but I’m not willing to bend to her demands. The idea is to highlight everyone involved not showcase only one artist. If she signs on we can do something spectacular in the fall for her alone. Look, I have another call coming in. I think I’ve made my point very clear so please don’t bother to call back unless she is ready to compromise on some of her ideas… Fine. Then If you need any more information, go through my assistant. thanks for the call" Bette hit the disconnect button for her wireless headset and threw it across her deak in frustration just as her assistant James entered her office. "Artists! Remind me why we need them again?" she muttered as she ran her hands through her hair raising it off her shoulders. "I suppose it would be hard to run an Art Gallery without actual Art" James said sympathetically as he reached for her coffee cup. "Refill?" he asked inquiringly."Thanks James but I think I’ll walk down to the Planet for an Herbal tea to soothe my nerves. What’s my schedule like this afternnoon?" "Nothing important until 1:30 so you have at least 2 hours to relax" he said as he consulted his watch. James took her cup to be washed and Bette changed into some walking shoes and left soon after.

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    1. haha i was reading this while bbqing, now i think i may have burned the meat! Anywayz, keep it cumin lurves the way the think of eachother when they’re at their “point” its zamazing!! PPS!

    2. Typical guy, didn’t even notice that Tina said someone elses name. “Bette”, and she thought she heard someone call her name out. Oh, if she only knew. I don’t know that we’ll be able to handle they’re hook-up.

    3. Now that was interesting. I actually really like this story so far. It says a lot that Tina is so intrigued by Bette that she could get off by being with a guy that Bette had a relationship w/ in the past. She must really be turned on by Ms. Porter to get so turned by just being with someone who was once with Bette – PPS! Can’t wait to read where you o next :)

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