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    Confusion Chapter 3


    Bette sat with Kit at the Planet, discussing the final stages of the show the Gallery was planning for the following evening. "It was supposed to be a compromise," Bette complained to Kit referring to a sculpter that she had finally negotiated into signing for the showing. "I hope the Art community appreciates how hard we worked to make this happen." Kit laughed and gently slapped her sister’s arm, ."You just hate that she got the better of the deal." Bette grinned "You’re right! But her work will really bring everything together so it was worth giving in to her. Promising her a Fall AND Spring showing wasn’t really a hardship. After tomorrow she will be very much in demand. Have you decided to come? It really is going to be magnificent." Kit watched Bette’s eyes sparkle with excitement when she spoke about her lifes vocation.. " Oh I don’t know babygirl, you know Art isn’t my thing. You know I love you and support you but I hate the politics involved with your business." Bette nodded in agreement, "I hate it too but it is so important within the Art community, it’s," Kit stopped her before she got too wound up. "Hey you’re preaching to the choir, here." Bette sighed heavily, "Sorry, of course I know that. Listen, why don’t you come by tomorrow afternoon and i’ll give you a private tour. I think you would enjoy this showing. It has a very strong message that comes across strongly, in the way all of the Artists compliment each other. Individually they are strong but united they are invincible." "Isn’t that a Helen Reddy song?" Kit asked tongue in cheek. "I’m out of here" Bette said laughing and standing. "Bette, wait Bette. I’ll come okay. Private showing tomorrow afternoon, around 3:30 if that works for you". "See you then, Bette said and left to go back to work.

    Tina entered her office and called for her secretary. Janice? I’m back. Is there anything on my schedule?". Tina’s assistant entered her office with a notepad. "No Miss Kennard, I didn’t expect you to come in today." Tina nodded, "No that’s good actually. Sit down, I want to go over things with you so we can start fresh tomorrow The production is running smoothly in New York, second unit is shooting now? What has been happening here the last 6 weeks." Janice proceeded to outline some of the major problems that had developed in Tina’s absence and they worked out solutions. They got about half the minor problems solved when Tina noticed it had grown late. "I’m sorry Janice. I didn’t realize how late it is. I guess my body is still working on eastern time. Take an extra hour to come in tomorrow morning and we will cover the remainder of the problems when you get here," Tina said as she ushered her out. Janice thanked her and headed home. Tina worked on a few things and then decided she had better head out too. She was going to drive home right away but her body really was working on New York time and she wasn’t at all tired, in fact she was quite keyed up. "Maybe a couple of drinks will calm me down", she thought to herself. She relocked her car and walked down the street to the Planet. She knew that it turned into a night club of sorts in the evening so she welcomed a change of pace. She could hear the music thumping through the walls even before she entered. She just hoped that none of her co-workers frequented here tonight.

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    1. Love this story and you are doing well with it. Can hardly wait for the gallery showing, Tina will be in for the ride of her young life. She just doesn’t know of Bette’s magical powers yet. PPS

    2. OMG! looooved this chappy,and how Bette was feeling on the drive to her house! Wouldnt doubt she had Melissa F.’s song “drive” playing in her head, hell i would!! thanks 4 posting,PPS!

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