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    Confusion Chapter 4


         Tina dressed with care for the Art Showing. She knew how passionate Bette was about her work and looked forward to seeing her in her element. She decided on a sleek black gown with spaghetti straps. She double checked her hair and make-up and hailed a cab. The showing had started a couple of hours ago but she knew Bette would have been busy with the many guests and hoped that by arriving late she might get a moment or two alone with her now.


        "She’s not coming!" For the hundredth time Bette looked towards the entrance. Tina must have changed her mind, she thought disappointedly. She displayed an outward veneer of a confident woman very happy with the current events but inside she was nervous as hell.. The showing was a huge success, all of the shareholders were congratulating one another for being smart enough to give full artistic control to Bette but she was disappointed that Tina hadn’t shown up. It would have been the icing on the cake for her. Maybe she was wrong about the strong connection she felt they had established last night. Bette really thought that Tina had genuinely enjoyed her company and was sincere about wanting to spend more time together.  Maybe, like Kit, she just didn’t like these kinds of events. Kit had enjoyed her tour in the afternoon with Alice and Shane who had also tagged along so they didn’t have to rub elbows with some of the more snooty characters that made the rounds at prestigious events like this. Bette accepted the congratulations yet again from another one of her colleagues and resigned herself to the fact that Tina was a no show. "Did I do something to make her unconfortable?" she thought back to the previous evening. "I’m sure I didn’t do anything that would lead her to believe I wanted to be more than just friends, at least outwardly," she thought. She felt herself growing warm when she remembered the overwhelming feelings of lust that had come over her in the last few minutes in Tina’s car. It had taken hours for her to calm down enough to fall asleep after her cold shower. When she did finally nod off exhausted in the early morning hours, she was tormented with images of Tina in various stages of undress while she dreamt. In fact, she awoke at one point in the throes of a powerful orgasm and brief residual images of Tina leaning over her smiling. She didn’t even know she could climax from within a dream. Powerful stuff.

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    1. Wow! Fantastic chapter! I love the interplay between these two. The flirting scene made me squirm with anticipation of what will undoubtedly happen in the future. Tina is such a goner! I wonder who will wake up first??? Can’t wait for your next post…

    2. This is great. Both times Tina was saved by a yawn. Bette does remember that Tina is naked under the blankets right? I would so not get any sleep. It will be interesting to see what happens when Tina wakes up. Can’t wait for the next update.

    3. ”didn’t acknowledge it one way of the other. I apologize for not being brave enough to tackle the subject” – – cls, you never need to apologize to us – its your story. And the Jodi character didn’t become an artist (her link to Bette) by being deaf, so her deafness is not crucial to the story. Feel free to write what you feel comfortable writing. And btw, thank you for writing this story!

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