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    Exploration Chapter 1

    Sequel to Confusion Chapter 1-5 by cls

         As Tina stirred, she slowly became aware of her surroundings then the events of the previous evening came back to her in a rush…..

    ….she found herself impaled onto two fingers as Bette slowly pushed into her center. "ARhghhh!, Tina groaned as Bette pushed into her and quickly withdrew. Not giving her a chance to recover, again she pushed her fingers inside Tina, even deeper then before. Tina lifted her head up arching her neck. "God Bette, more ..please . I , I, SHITTT ARHGHHHH!" she said as Bette again penetrated her deeper and harder this time" "You like that huh babe?" Bette said as Tina tried to push herself down onto Bette’s fingers, Tina was beyond answering, her whole body was on fire as she focused her attention on Bette’s fingers between her legs……..

         A slight tremor passed along Tina’s body as her mind returned to the immediate present. Her sex contracted in memory of the erotic activities she had experienced earlier that day which elicited a slight ache between her legs reminding her of the punishment her pussy had taken from her unsatiable lover. Another flashback caused Tina to shiver deliciously… ..

    …….Bette shifted slightly so she could reach Tina better and pulled one of her legs up and over her hip exposing Tina’s core to her willing fingers. Tina thrust her hips closer anticipating the return of Bette’s hand. Bette slid her hand down Tina’s stomach and fingered her clit. Then she dipped down to cover her fingers with Tina’s juices and brought her hand back up to her lips. Tina watched mesmerized as Bette placed her fingers in her mouth licking them clean. Tina growled and pounced, licking and kissing, tasting herself on her lover’s lips….

         It was then that the warm body drapped casually over Tina made herself known and demanded attention. .

         Bette stretched feeling like a million bucks. What a night! . She was smiling even before she opened her eyes at the feel of the gorgeous blonde trapped slightly under her. She started to pull back easing her weight off Tina but was pleased when she met with resistance so instead of retreating she advanced on her prey nuzzling her neck and running her arm up from hip to firm breast.

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    1. I don’t think even a cold shower is going to make the fire created by this story go away…Damn, and I thought the last chapter was HOT! You pulled off another chapter that leaves me yearning for a sequel to the sequel…Whew!!!!

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