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    Exploration Chspter 5

    Tina leaned closer and whispered into Bette’s ear, "Hmmm, I know when I touch your pussy, it feels like Greased Lightning…"

    Bette swallowed noticeably, "Christ Tina, you just soaked another pair of my underwear." she said huskily as she pulled her in for a kiss. The Seat Belt sign came on and the Flight Attendant announced the landing approach to the airport, forcing the two of them to separate and rein in their surging libido’s.

    Tina looked over at Bette smirking, "Saved?"

    Bette shook her head, "Uh uh, I’ve got something special in mind for you when we get back but I guess we’ll have to join the mile high club another time."

    "Promises, promises" Tina goaded.


    They emerged from the terminal and decided to take separate cabs. Bette ushered Tina towards the first one. The driver was storing Tina’s luggage while they stood kissing goodbye leisurly, "So can I come over later?" Tina asked.

    Bette looked at her watch, "Give me 2 hours first, I have a couple of things I want to do so I can take better care of you later." Bette said mysteriously.

    "If better care includes dinner and a massage, I think I can manage that."

    Bette kissed her again and tucked her into the cab. "Warning, Dinner will most likely be ordered in, I don’t want to waste any time cooking when we could be …" Bette closed the door on her parting words. She knocked on the roof of the cab to indicate to the driver that he was clear to go.

    Through the window she saw Tina’s lips form the words.."What? We could be what? " as the cab pulled away. Bette climbed into another cab chuckling softly to herself. She gave the driver an address for an exclusive store downtown and had him wait while she made her purchases before finally heading home humming to herself cheerfully.


    Bette had a light meal arranged outside on her patio by the pool. She lit some candles and incense and was just putting some fresh cut flowers in a vase when Tina stepped through the patio doors with a sign in her hand. "This note could have been for anybody? "Come in, lock the door and meet me on the patio." I hope it was meant for me?" Tina said smiling as she placed her bag down.


    1. Triple WOW! Extraordinarily sexy and so wonderfully written. You definitely are the expert at hot, hotter, and hottest! The note on the door made me LOL at Bette and Tina’s banter. I loved learning more about Bette’s experiences on the flight back to LA and I hope Tina opens up a little more about herself as well. I wonder what these two will explore next??? PPS!!!

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