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    Exploration Chspter 5

    Bette moved in close reaching around and running her hands down Tina’s back, cupping her ass. "That’s the note I use for all my women, so I don’t like to put a specific name on it," Bette teased.

    Tina broke away from Bette and rifled through her bag until she found a pen. In Bold letters she wrote"TINA" at the beginning and passed it back to Bette. "There, just tell the others to go to Hell" Tina grinned.

    Bette smiled back, "Okay, I can live with that! Come on and eat something… besides me" Bette said when she saw Tina’s suggestive look and raised eyebrow. They enjoyed the light meal and sat sipping their wine while they shared some cheese and crackers. "How about that massage?" Bette asked gathering up the remnants of their meal and waving Tina’s help away.

    "Sounds heavenly" Tina said.

    "Great, Go slip into something more comfortable and come on back out here. I’ll get the lounger set and I also have some body oils you might like" Bette said as she motioned Tina into the house.

    Tina wandered into the bedroom to get changed and found the string bikini she had worn last week lying on the bed. Smiling she realized Bette wanted her to wear it again. "Okay Porter, I’m game for whatever you’ve got planned," she said to herself.

    Bette cleaned up, refilled their wine glasses and spread a couple of thick comforters on the patio. She arranged the lounger in the middle of it and brought over a small table. She had just placed a massage pad on the narrow chair when Tina came back out wearing a robe.

    "Wow, this is nice." Tina said appreciatively as she began to unbelt the robe while she looked at the set up.

    Bette whistled softly as Tina slid the robe from her shoulders revealing the Bikini, "Really nice indeed. I see you saw the suit I left for you" Bette finished huskily.

    "Suit? What suit? Am I wearing a suit?" Tina teased referring to the fact that there wasn’t enough material on the entire bikini to even use as a napkin. "If I didn’t know you better, I would start to think you are trying to get into my …pants". Tina said indicating her outfit.


    1. Triple WOW! Extraordinarily sexy and so wonderfully written. You definitely are the expert at hot, hotter, and hottest! The note on the door made me LOL at Bette and Tina’s banter. I loved learning more about Bette’s experiences on the flight back to LA and I hope Tina opens up a little more about herself as well. I wonder what these two will explore next??? PPS!!!

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