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    Exploration Chspter 5

    "Moi?" Bette said with her hand on her chest. She smiled seductively as she pulled Tina up hard against her body, "I would be offended if it wasn’t so true" she said holding Tina’s head still for an earth shattering kiss.

    Tina leaned into the kiss, opening her lips to accept Bette’s tongue deep into the recesses of her mouth. They battled each other playfully for a few seconds then Tina took Bette’s bottom lip between her teeth, biting lightly. "Forget the massage love, let’s go to your room. I want to strip your clothes off and ravage you." Tina pleaded.

    Bette stepped away from Tina breathlessly. "Oh no, I promised my lady a massage and I always ….deliver!…" she said meanfully. "You can ravage me later"

    Tina smiled, "Hmmm, you must really like to give massages if you’re turning me down. Okay, how do you want me?" she asked indicating the lounger. "Sunny side or over-easy?" she joked.

    Bette smiled secretly, "Over-easy, for tonight… over-easy babe." She said helping Tina lower herself down onto her stomach. "The chair is very narrow and low so I can straddle you easily and give you a really good deep massage. That’s it, now scoot up to the end. Perfect. Comfortable?" Bette asked as she swung leg over Tina and reached for an oil she liked to use.

    "Mmmm Hmmm.," Tina murmured.

    Bette warmed some oil and began to lovingly run her hands over Tina’s exposed back and shoulders. She could feel Tina’s muscles relax under her nimble hands.

    "Oh my God, that is positively orgasmic!" Tina groaned.

    "Not yet it isn’t" Bette said suggestively as she pulled the string on Tina’s top so she could access all of her back. "Might as well get rid of this too." Bette said as she pulled the string for the bottoms as well. She gently tugged on the string making sure she slid the material carefully across Tina’s heated center. Tina jerked in response,

    "Arghhh love. Keep that up and I won’t make it through this massage" Tina said breathlessly over her shoulder.

    Bette smirked applying more oil to her hands and sliding them down low over Tina’s buttocks cupping her ass hard. She slid her hands down around Tina’s hips pushing and pulled her as she rubbed hard against her skin. She ran her fingers deep between Tina’s beautiful ass cheeks, sliding her fingers smoothly down to lightly pass over her core. "Hmmm I don’t think I need any more oil, I found a well of liquid I can use right here." Bette whispered as she stroked Tina’s center again before sliding back up onto her butt and then down onto her thighs.


    1. Triple WOW! Extraordinarily sexy and so wonderfully written. You definitely are the expert at hot, hotter, and hottest! The note on the door made me LOL at Bette and Tina’s banter. I loved learning more about Bette’s experiences on the flight back to LA and I hope Tina opens up a little more about herself as well. I wonder what these two will explore next??? PPS!!!

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