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    Exploration Chspter 5

    Tina was moaning and instinctively bent her knees a bit to spread her legs slightly. Bette’s hands were well oiled though and it was easy to slide in an out of any areas she wanted to access. "Bette..Please love, you’re killing me here" Tina panted.

    Bette leaned over Tina whispering in her ear, "Do you like that T? Wait here for me. I’m going to go change into something more comfortable and be right back," she said patting Tina’s ass as she left

    Tina made a slight noise of protest, and murmured "Hurry love" but remained on the lounger eagerly awaiting her return. She was on fire for Bette.

    When Bette returned shortly in a robe Tina was still lying in the same position. "Good girl," Bette said approvingly as she resumed her previous position straddling the chair and hovering over Tina’s back.

    "I don’t think I could have walked anyway, my whole body feels like jelly." Tina said as Bette continued her ministrations. "Do you want me to do you now?" Tina offered.

    "No thanks, besides i’m not done DOING you yet" Bette said as she removed her robe. "T, bend your knees and swing your legs off the chair so one hangs over each side." Bette said huskily as she helped Tina assume the position. She arranged the padding so the chair didn’t press into Tina’s thighs insuring that she was very comfortable although spread wide open. Bette ran her hands along each thigh massaging Tina’s leg muscles until they were as relaxed as the rest of her body, then towelled the excess oil off her body leaving her skin glowing. "You take my breath away T? I love to see you so exposed like this, Do you trust me?" Bette asked.

    Tina was breathing hard again, moaning under Bette’s touch. "Completely love, Please I need you now…"

    Suddenly Tina froze when she felt a foreign object slide between her ass cheeks back and forth. She tried to look back at Bette to see what she was doing and caught a glimpse of Bette wearing a harness with an 8 inch dildo in her hand. Tina gasped! "Bette!"

    Bette slid the dildo over Tina’s ass and between her cheeks waiting for the shock to pass. "Do you like it? I bought it on the way home today." she said squeezing Tina’s cheeks around the sex toy.


    1. Triple WOW! Extraordinarily sexy and so wonderfully written. You definitely are the expert at hot, hotter, and hottest! The note on the door made me LOL at Bette and Tina’s banter. I loved learning more about Bette’s experiences on the flight back to LA and I hope Tina opens up a little more about herself as well. I wonder what these two will explore next??? PPS!!!

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