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    Exploration Chspter 5

    "If this is because of what I said this morning? Because believe me it isn’t necessary. I don’t need THAT to make love with you. You’re all I need, love. I don’t need a toy to turn me on." Tina said sincerely.

    Bette looked into Tina’s eyes, "I know but after we talked, I kept picturing you …like this and I thought it might be exciting to …fuck… you. " Bette said slowly. "I love making love with you T, I am continuously amazed the way your body responds to my touch, to my fingers, to my tongue. Especially to my tongue." She said licking her lips causing Tina to shiver. "Do you want me to stop? Does the idea make you too uncomfortable?" Bette continued to rub Tina with the toy, slipping it down to slide along her folds so she could feel the length of it.

    "Bette!" Tina said arching her back and spreading her legs wider. "I can’t believe you did this, God I think I’m going to cum just thinking about you taking me with this. I trust you love, do whatever you want. I can take it, Arghhh, God I want to take it all." She said as she felt the whole 8 inches slide along her inner lips. "Fuck me love. Fuck me hard." she said gripping the end of the chair to steady herself against the onslaught she knew was coming.

    Bette continued to run her hands over Tina, sliding the dildo between her legs teasingly. "Easy babe. nice and slow." Bette said soothingly while she coaxed Tina’s legs a fraction more apart.

    Tina starting pressing her ass towards Bette invitingly. "I feel like a dog in heat!" Tina gasped.

    Bette inserted the dildo back into the harness she was wearing and again slid the large toy along Tina’s folds, lubicating the shaft fully. She reached underneath rubbing Tina’s clit slightly as she positioned herself to penetrate Tina’s center. "Fuck Bette, more please, I need you inside me, oohh" Tina panted arching to meet the head of the dildo.

    Bette slid the head just inside Tina’s center and gripped her waist for some leverage. "Ahhhhohh" Tina moaned. "More love, please" Bette pressed her hips forward slightly testing her control over the harness and inched the head inside as Tina’s body slowly stretched to accomodate the girth of the toy. "Can you feel me T?" she said as she slid in another inch before backing up a couple. She eased in and out very slowly allowing Tina some time to get acustomed to the size.


    1. Triple WOW! Extraordinarily sexy and so wonderfully written. You definitely are the expert at hot, hotter, and hottest! The note on the door made me LOL at Bette and Tina’s banter. I loved learning more about Bette’s experiences on the flight back to LA and I hope Tina opens up a little more about herself as well. I wonder what these two will explore next??? PPS!!!

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