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    Exploration Chspter 5

    Tina was beginning to thrash a bit in an attempt to impale herself more fully on the dildo Bette was controlling. "I…appreciate…. the fact…you are trying… trying to be…careful… but if you don’t…. fuck me with that…. right now…I swear I’ll…AHHHHhhhhh" Tina groaned as Bette thrust deep inside her.

    "Is this what you wanted babe?" Bette set clenching her teeth in concentration. She focused on thrusting hard into Tina then pulling out to the head before thrusting in to the hilt again and again. She slipped her hands under Tina, grabbing her breasts and pulled her upper body up off the chair. Tina arched her back into Bette and reached back above to grip Bette’s head, pulling her lips down to her neck. Bette remained embedded deep inside Tina’s pussy. She continued her even pace, thrusting hard as Tina matched her rhythm. She massaged Tina’s tits squeezing the nipples hard every time she plunged the length of the dildo back inside.

    Tina covered Bette’s hands with her own. "Feels.. so …goood, so …full. " Tina confessed. Bette pushed her back down onto her stomach and increased the pace, gripping Tina’s thighs so she could pull her hard onto the toy. She looked down to see the length of it held tightly by Tina’s center. She could see the shaft coated thickly with Tina’s juices evey time she pulled out, before ramming it back in deeply. It was so slick it could slide in and out easily. "Cum for me babe, cum all over my cock!" Bette demanded.

    Tina was fast losing control. She gripped the end of the chair bracing herself against the pounding she was taking. It was her undoing when she looked over her shoulder at the woman she adored, "Oh Bette yes, I’m cumming… I’m cumming, I’m,,,arghhhh, Arghhh, ahhhhhhh" Tina managed to cry out before collapsing in spasms as her orgasm rolled over her.

    Bette removed the harness quickly and rolled both of them down onto the comforters. She brushed Tina’s hair from her face tenderly so she could read her reaction. "Are you okay T?" she asked tentitively suddenly unsure. Tina regained control over her body and wrapped her arms around Bette’s neck pulling her close and fusing their mouths. She tongued Bette’s lips, licking and sucking as she breathed deeply. "That was fucking hot!" she said against Bette’s lips leaving no doubt that she had enjoyed the experience. "Do you want to try it? "


    1. Triple WOW! Extraordinarily sexy and so wonderfully written. You definitely are the expert at hot, hotter, and hottest! The note on the door made me LOL at Bette and Tina’s banter. I loved learning more about Bette’s experiences on the flight back to LA and I hope Tina opens up a little more about herself as well. I wonder what these two will explore next??? PPS!!!

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