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    Exporation Chapter 6 Part B Conclusion

    Chapter 6 Part B Conclusion


    Tina awoke later that same day, wrapped lightly in Bette’s arms. She couldn’t think of anywhere on the planet she would rather be. She ran her hand over the limb drapped around her waist that was loosly cupping her breast and sighed in contentment. She thought back earlier in the afternoon and smiled as she remembered the hot sex. She stretched her legs slightly and her pussy protested faintly. "Serves you right for the pounding you took," she spoke to that area of her anatomy that had gotten particular attention from her lover.
    Earlier, she had planned a pleasant surprise for Bette including a blindfold and some hardware that intensified their lovemaking. Tina had become overwhelmed by her emotions and the level of release she experienced with this remarkable woman, which ultimately led to their mutual confessions of love.

     Tina grew warm remembering ….

    "Fuck! ….Find the fucking scarf!" she said and Bette laughed reaching for it on the floor. Tina willingly allowed Bette to tie her wrists loosely to either end of a scarf drapped over the lower rail at the head of the bed. What made things more interesting were the pillows Bette had stuffed under Tina’s upper back and shoulders bending her backwards slightly so her chest were thrust up invitingly. Her head was thrown back exposing her lovely throat. Bette looked at Tina’s breasts and licked her lips. Unable to withstand the temptation, she sucked Tina’s nipples deep into her mouth. She laved them both, alternating between licking and sucking until they were both swollen from the attention. Tina gasped, "Bette! Love Oh god that feels good!"

    Bette moved up from Tina’s chest to the pulse point on her neck and sucking gently, created a love mark. "I want you to leave this mark showing tomorrow at work, don’t cover it with makeup. If anyone comments, you will remember being tied in this position and thoroughly fucked. Understand?" Bette asked, biting Tina’s skin lightly over the hickey.

    "Yes Bette," Tina replied meekly smiling.

    Bette moved away from Tina so she could find the clasps they had used earlier, then returned to her chest. She sucked on Tina’s tips some more, hardening them before she fastened a clip to a nipple. Tina arched her back even further as Bette attached the clip. "Ahhhh" she groaned aloud. Bette reached for the second clip and secured it in the same manner eliciting another long groan, "Ahhhh love, it feels so good". Tina’s full breasts leaned slightly to each side of her body so Bette decided an alteration was in order. She got up off the bed and went looking for some kind of string and pulled a ribbon off Tina’s dresser. Scambling back up onto the bed she carefully looped the ribbon through the clasps so she could pull them closer. She tugged slowly allowing the weight of Tina’s breasts to pull against the pressure. The clips held fast and Tina’s nipples were drawn closer and closer together. "Arghhh!" she said pulling her head up to see what Bette was doing to her. Bette leaned down inserting her tongue deep into Tina’s mouth before backing off and swinging her leg over her, straddling Tina. Bracing her weight on her arms, she bent down and carefully licked around each stretched areola occassionally stroking a clip with her tongue sending shivers through Tina who looked up to watch her lover. "Bette?" she begged softly, not quite sure what she was asking. Bette flicked the end of each engorged nipple with her finger where it protruded from the clip causing Tina to gasp. "Ahh God," she said as she flung her head back again helplessly.

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    1. I second Dainty’s statement!! And luckily your warning did not apply to me today as I had the day off and thank goodness I did…I’m also glad I hadn’t taken a shower yet, because if I had, I would definitely have been wasting water today since I’m in desperate need of a cold shower now!!! Phew, at least when I’m running around doing my errands today, I’ll have something interesting to occupy my thoughts ;)

    2. I hope by the title Part B Conclusion you don’t mean the end of the story — just kill me now if that’s what you mean. This story just amazes me – it keeps getting hotter with each passing chapter – I just don’t know how you do it! Thank goodness there was a liberal dosing of ice or I would have melted from reading it! All I have to say is thanks for the warning (I heeded it and I’m glad I did)and please give us more of this fabulously sexy story SOON!

    3. This story is so hot that I need to smoke, while taking a cold shower & an “icicle” to cool me down when I’m done drying off.**does that description give you a hint at how SCALDING HOT this post was, CLS?*** Whew! Okay, bring on the part C & call it “Stranger Danger?” LOL! PS

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