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    Love Is Another Word For Regret pt 7

    A gentle cold from brought a chilled wind through the trees outside the CAC. Inside however, the air was warm, the drinks were cold and the exhibit was anything but boring.

    Inspiration, Bette began, addressing the throng of people who had gathered excitedly before her. It drives us. Teaches us. Makes us who we are. To be inspired is to breathe a fresh breath and come out refreshed and understanding. Each word was annunciated, its own emphasis sticking out amongst the sentences. And now, the California Art Center is proud to present to you, Inspiration Spring 1996!

    Lights flooded the once dim room, following by the booming bass of smooth jazz music. Applause erupted from the crowd as the beautiful curly haired woman stepped aside, allowing the crowd to file into the exhibit. 3 girls remained, waiting for Bette with smiles and open arms.

    Bette Porter youre my hero! Alice proclaimed, throwing her arms around bare shoulders.

    Dana cleared her throat and motioned for Alice to move, Alice stepped aside, rolling auburn orbs as she receded towards Shane. Congrats Bette! It honestly looks amazing. A smile found nude lips and arms once again fell around Bettes frame, embracing her.

    Bette was overwhelmed with joy and she threw the emotion into her words,Thank you so much for coming tonight guys. It really means a lot to me. Alice and Dana moved their heads in approval before they both muttered something about needing a drink. It was only a few moments before the two of them had disappeared into the museum. Shane glanced over at Bette and that sleek smile found her lips, pearly whites glowing. Thank you for coming, baby.

    Shane answered only by pressing her lips gently to Bettes, her face still retaining the details of happiness. My baby has done all of this…Shes so beautiful, so talented. Shane thought, finally understanding why Bette had been so busy.

    Now I see why youve spent so much time at work instead of in my arms. And I forgive you. I never understood how much work it really demanded. That smile still tugged her lips upwards as she took Bettes strong fingers between her own and kissed each one gently.

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    1. Thanks for taking time to write this story. I can’t wait for what might happen next. You are keeping us in suspense here.

      I’m enjoying the B/S angle relationship so please continue with it. I don’t know how you are going to fit Tina in the picture, so I will be waiting for the story to unfold eventually.

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