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    "I’m looking for Bette Porter?"

    The jaws of everyone at the table dropped when the tall amazonian beauty approached their table. "Porter?", she asked again abruptly?" blue eyes flashing impatiently from face to face before coming to rest on Bette.

    Alice and Shane sat stunned momentarily at a complete loss for words.

    Bette wiped her mouth carefully with her napkin before answering quietly with a smile. "Yes? Can I…"

    "You’re not in your office," the imposing dark haired woman stated abruptly,

    Bette laughed lightly, "Obviously", she responded with a tight smile indicating her surroundings. Her friends recognized the signs of Bette’s hackles rising but the woman in front of them either didn’t or chose to ignore them. Bette tried again, "Did we have an appointment Miss…" she left her sentence hanging expecting the woman to introduce herself.

    "No, I don’t make appointments and I don’t like to be kept waiting." she drawled imperiously "Come with me now," she demanded.

    "Excuse me?" sputtered Bette getting increasingly perturbed. "Just who the hell do you think you are, disturbing my lunch, ordering me around.."

    "I am the woman that is going to put your little Gallery on the map, now I’ll give you five minutes to get that cute little ass of yours back to your office!" with those parting words she turned, flinging her long hair over her shoulders and waltzed slowly from the cafe obviously expecting acquiescence.

    Bette was now fit to be tied, "Who the hell? What the fuck?" she muttered quietly in deference to the other patrons within hearing range.

    Alice looked at Shane with raised eyebrows and they all turned to watch the long legged beauty saunter to the door. At the last moment the woman turned eyeing the three friends who were checking her out and smirked knowingly as she continued out the door. "Shit she knows we were starring at her" Alice whispered slinking down into her seat.

    Shane whistled softly, "She sure knows how to fill a pair of high heels!"

    "So what?" stammered Bette furiously, "Of all the rude, self centered, bitches…"

    Alice interupted the tirade trying to calm her down. "Bette, Bette, Easy girl, do you have any idea who that is?" she said rhetorically. "That was Xena Amphipolis. The rich daughter of that Greek tycoon who bought up half of Manhattan last year" Alice exaggerating slightly. "She is an incredibly powerful woman. You had no idea she was coming to see you today?"

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    1. OMFG!!! This sounds so friggin good! The tension… the strong personalities of Bette and Xena… God, I’m going to LOVE this pairing! Plese post soon. This is much too exciting to be delayed. Let that talent of yours loose and paint the blank pages with colorful pictures of these to dynamic women clashing and hopefully coming together. You have got me more excited with the possiblities of this story than I have been in a while. Thanks for making me smile today! PPVS!

    2. With your dynamic writing, CLS, these two are bound to set off “fireworks” in and out of the board room. Can’t wait for you to update. PS:Don’t make us wait too long with your “revelations” story. It’s one of my favorites.

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