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    Chapter 2

    During the short walk back to her Gallery, Bette searched her memory for any pertinent information she could recall about Miss Amphipolis. Xena’s name was in the entertainment news all the time linked to some scandal or another but she couldn’t remember anything about the jet setting woman in regards to the art world. "What could she possibly want with us?" she wondered as opened the heavy glass doors leading inside.

    She was greeted by her frazzled assistant James who was clearly out of his element right now. His tousled hair was a complete contradiction to his usually immaculate appearance. "Thank God, you’re back," he said helplessly. "She’s in your office waiting. She arrived 30 minutes ago and started making demands. When I tried to tell her you would be back shortly, she actually threatened to break me in half!" he said hurriedly trying to brief Bette on the situation. "I had to let her into your office or…"

    Bette cut him off by raising her hand. "Shhh James, you’ll hyperventilate. You did just fine. Now bring us some fresh coffee, relax and smile. I’ll find out what she wants." Bette smoothed her skirt and entered her office.

    Xena was seated at Bette’s desk using her phone. "I don’t care what he says, I want it taken care of today. No excuses just do it!" she hung up the receiver abruptly.

    "Comfortable?" Bette asked referring to the fact Xena was seated in her chair. "I see you made yourself right at home." Bette said facetiously. "Now if you don’t mind…."

    Xena leaned forward in Bette’s chair crossing her arms, "But I do mind" she said locking eyes with Bette.

    Bette could not remember the last time she was so intimidated by another human being and a shiver rippled down her back. Xena’s eyes immediately darted to Bette’s body, noting the shiver and she smiled a cruel smile. Bette stiffened her spine, preparing to do battle but then recalled Shane’s words of advice and encouragement. She shook herself mentally then flashed Xena her most dazzling smile. "Well then, by all means stay where you are. It isn’t a problem. Was there some particular reason for your visit today Miss Amphipolis?"

    Xena was very observant and realized that Bette Porter was not your ordinary lap dog. She had a very strong personality and aura that exuded confidence and charm. Her sources indicated that Miss Porter would be a perfect addition to her staff and Xena’s intelligience network was never wrong. Bette’s background check had confirmed she was single and dated women frequently but she wasn’t a player. The report had gone on to describe her as beautiful but it certainly didn’t do justice to the stunning woman in front of her, she thought licking her lips. "Good, so you know who I am then. That facilitates things considerably. Yes I have a reason for being here Miss Porter. Basically, I want to hire you for a special event I have planned in New York next week. I need someone with your impeccable credentials to purchase some art pieces on my behalf. In exchange I will make you a very lucrative offer that will guarantee the future success of your little …shop for years to come." Xena finished condescendingly.

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