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    Mercury in Retrograde—Chapter 4

    When Bette woke up six restless hours later, she spotted a note scribbled on a Post-it stuck to the end table next to the couch. She blinked away sleep and forced her eyes to focus.

    Had to jet. Thanks for putting me up. Let’s catch up soon. -K.

    She’d taken her bag and clothes with her, which meant Bette didn’t know when she’d see her sister again. It could be the next day. It could be never. She had, however, left the pile of dishes and an unmade bed in her wake.

    Bette would have expected nothing less.


    Was she actually doing this?

    The thought played on a loop in Tina’s head that Thursday evening as she walked the few blocks from her building to MERCURY. The day had been killer, and quite honestly, she should be working tonight, not going on a non-date with Bette Porter to satisfy some stupid bet. What would they talk about anyway? They didn’t have anything in common. Still, she’d made an agreement, and when Tina committed to something, she always followed through.

    Bette was seated at the bar when she arrived, talking to that Shawn guy, who grinned when he saw her approach. Had she told him about the non-date? She had, hadn’t she? Then her eyes drifted to Bette, who looked rather nice in a long-sleeved black top, dark-green pants, and short black boots.

    ”Hey,” Bette said as she approached. ”How was your day?”

    ”On a scale of zero to crazy, pretty insane.” Tina said, offering a polite smile. ”Hi,” she said to Shawn, who seemed to be actively listening. She offered him her hand. ”We haven’t officially met. Tina Kennard.”

    He seemed extra amused at the concept of a handshake. Right, this isn’t a business meeting, Tina. Why was she nervous exactly?

    ”Shawn Michael Anthony Roberts,” he said in an ultra-conservative voice that earned him an admonishing look from Bette.

    ”Call me Shawn,” he said, returning to laid-back mode.

    ”Shawn it is.” She turned to Bette what kind of a long name was that she thought. ”So where are we off to?”

    ”What do you mean?” Bette asked. ”Where would we be off to?”

    Tina opened her mouth in confusion and then closed it again. Did she have the date wrong? No, they’d agreed on dinner Thursday night, but it seemed Bette had forgotten and now this was embarrassing.


    1. Nice date… I mean non-date. I guess if it had been a real date, they might have walked along the river and had a more in-depth conversation about their histories and what they hope for in the future and then ended it as they did. I believe they have more that is in common than what Tina thinks. But it is going to take a while for Tina to see that her soul mate does not have to conform to the image she imagines. Difference characteristics can be intriguing as well. The one thing that I do see is that Tina has to stop trying to live up the the image her parents think she ought to be. This is your life Tina…. do what makes you happy and do not restrict your self to that which is only to please your parents. They have lived their life, and its your turn to live yours…

      Thanks for the chapter.

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