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    Mercury in Retrograde—Chapter 4

    Tina’s usual command-of-any-situation seemed to have once again been stripped from her as she grappled to respond. ”Oh” is what she managed in place of a normally dignified answer.

    Bette’s eyes danced at her discomfort, which only amplified it.

    ”I thought we were…Didn’t we decide that..” She glanced to Shawn for help, which was ridiculous.

    ”I’m just messing with you,” Bette said.  ”And you totally tell for it, which was bonus.”

    Tina blew out a breath. ”So not funny.”

    Bette held her thumb and forefinger close together. ”A little bit funny.”

    Shawn mimicked Bette’s gesture and Tina enjoyed the relief, even in spite of wanting to kill them both a little.

    ”I know a place near the Seaport. You up for it?”

    ”I’m sorry. The Seaport?”

    ”Yes, the Seaport. Live a little, Park Avenue. You might love it.”

    ”I’m a very successful businesswoman, I’ll have you know, so while we can definitely head down to the Seaport if that’s what you had in mind, we might have to lose that nickname.”

    Shawn raised his eyebrow at Bette. ”Don’t think I didn’t see that,” she said, pointing at Shawn.

    ”My apologies, Miss Kennard,” he said, then widened his eyes at Bette in fear.

    ”Call me Tina.” And for good measure, Tina turned back to Bette. ”See? Not a snob. Seaport. A non-date. Let’s go and get this over with.” She headed for the door without waiting for a response.

    Bette stared after Tina, who’d clearly taken the reins back, and couldn’t help but find it kind of fun to watch her do so.

    ”She’s a little uptight, huh?” Shawn asked.

    ”Ya think? But the night is still young.” Bette winked at Shawn and followed her non-date out of the bar.

    A short cab ride later and Bette took a deep inhale of the salty sea air as they stepped out of the cab at the South Street Seaport. While adjacent to the financial district in Manhattan, the Seaport was designated a historic district all on its own. For years, Fulton Fish Market had operated just off Pier 17, and fishmongers lined the wall waiting for work. There was something about the place that Bette just loved. The backstory, the water, the ambience. Or maybe all of it combined. They walked quietly toward the pier.


    1. Nice date… I mean non-date. I guess if it had been a real date, they might have walked along the river and had a more in-depth conversation about their histories and what they hope for in the future and then ended it as they did. I believe they have more that is in common than what Tina thinks. But it is going to take a while for Tina to see that her soul mate does not have to conform to the image she imagines. Difference characteristics can be intriguing as well. The one thing that I do see is that Tina has to stop trying to live up the the image her parents think she ought to be. This is your life Tina…. do what makes you happy and do not restrict your self to that which is only to please your parents. They have lived their life, and its your turn to live yours…

      Thanks for the chapter.

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