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    Once and Again

    The level of discomfort was almost palpable as the two women entered the small apartment.

    Bette: “I’ll put her down before she wakes up.”

    Tina: “Second room to the left.”

    Bette descended the hall and returned shortly after.

    Bette: “She’s still knocked out.”

    Tina just nodded.

    Bette: “Look Tina, thanks again for letting me tag along to the doctors today. It really means a lot to me.”

    Tina: “Well I didn’t have a ride so you were the logical choice.”

    The words stung Bette’s pride. She figured this gave her license to ask the question that had been on her mind since she had arrived earlier that day.

    Bette: “How long have you been here?”

    Tina didn’t flinch.

    Tina: “Few weeks.”


    Bette: “What happened to Henry.”

    Direct hit.

    Tina: “Things didn’t work out. You should know about that.”

    Counter attack.

    Bette: “What is that supposed to mean?”

    Tina: “Nothing. I don’t see how its any of your business.”

    Bette: “Its my business when you’ve got my child living in this cramped ass apartment.”

    Tina: “No Bette. She’s not your daughter anymore. You threw that away.”

    Bette stepped closer to her.

    Bette: “I did? I took whatever was left and ran with it. Tried to hold on to it when you were doing nothing but pushing it away!”

    Tina: “That’s just it you ran!”

    Bette: “You left me no choice! You were too busy fucking Henry in our bed!”

    Tina: “Only after you went outside our relationship and fucked Candice!”

    Bette: “Well atleast I knew which side of the fence I belonged on rather then straddling it like you.”

    Bette never saw the hand poise itself before she felt the sting across her left cheek. It seemed that everything slowed from that point on and they received a level of clarity. It was actually faster they were both going. Towards an absolution neither were prepared for but somehow willing to face. As if on instinct Bette wrapped her fingers in the back of blond tendrils with her right hand as her left hand grabbed the left arm as to not be hit again. Rather now she was slammed against the wall of the small breakfast nook, never losing her hold on her attacker in a manner of speaking. There was a slight reprieve as if they were both lying in the eye of some great tornado. Brown orbs bore into hazel. The proximity they were now sharing was the closest they’d been in months if not a year. This good fortune was jaded by the disdain they felt towards each other. The calm was broken when Tina finally shattered the silence.

    Tina: “I hate you.”

    Hot tears spilled free and singed Bette’s wrist. They burn all the places they came in contact with. The exact opposite was in fact true they both knew. Nails from both dug into each others skin. Tina fought the hold on her hair as she closed in on Bettes neck and sunk her teeth in deep. A loud cry spilling from Bette’s lips in response. Once composure was regain she forced Tina backwards with a growl. They both fell backwards onto the table. Tina took the brunt of the force as the wood came in sudden contact and stung her blouse clad skin. Neither loosened their grip. They growled in unison as clothes inexplicable began to be shed. The sound of the buttons of Bette’s blouse bouncing across the linoleum flooring. Neither were quite sure what they were doing or where this was going but as Bette both thanked and cursed the heavens for wearing loose fitting pants, it became a tad clearer. She almost screamed as Tina entered her far before she was properly prepared. Deja vu all over again. It wasn’t long before her body caught up to what was happening. Never one to be outdone she mirrored Tina’s motions. They now pumped in and out of each other in unison. Like Tyson and Hollyfield, blow for blow. There was no kissing or tender touches. No sexy moans or endearing looks. Just lust in its purest form and the shadows of the past lurking near by. Retina’s dilated in that old familiar way as they never lost eye contact. The clamor of a discarded fruit bowl could be heard but not recognized as it mixed with the sound of a primal connection being reestablished. Tina dug her nails into Bette’s shoulders as she teetered on the edge and fell off. Bette was close behind as she drug her nails across the exposed porcelain skin of her newfound lover. It was beginning again much as it had ended.

    Bette collapsed on top of Tina resting her head on her bosom as they both regain composure. A silence ensued that was once again disturbed. This time the interruption came from a frightened Angelica calling for mommy. Neither woman moved for several seconds.

    Tina: “She’s calling you.”


    1. Vibes that was totally hot. Not as hot as Bette and Stevie but it’s hard to top the heat that comes through the pages when you write about those two. Once you get this little TiBette fic out of your system I hope it means more Bette/Stevie fic for me. Post soon.

    2. no no no vibes, me no like…where are Bette and Stevie??? There are millions of tibette fics, and Bette and Stevie warm my non tibette heart..and wouldst break it??? Come back to our side vibes!!

    3. I’m really sick of the Tina who never takes responsibiltiy for her actions. Everything is OK ’cause it came after Bette’s short affair. Tina never shows remorse for Helena, Daddyof2, Josh or Henry, while Bette is always made to suffer for her transgression. This Tina is a trip, she admits to using Bette for a ride. I am not a fan of violence so this is a bit rough for me.

    4. shyt!!!! That was nasty…I’ve just learned about Krumping and am looking for the music…so if you know more please PM me…now back to TiBette…I thought I got from your intro that this is a one off story…I’m in two minds, as a hardcore TiBetter I would want to see it turn out for the better but as you’ve left it?????? Mmmmmmm…I can understand why T hates Bette…Bette broke everything she believed in…everything Bette claimed to believe in also e.g. monogamy…Tina HATES Bette so much because she loves her so much…but she doesn’t want to ever hurt like THAT again…from someone else so she hurts herself instead by running …anywayz thatz my opinion

    5. damn, this was HOTT, AND I MEAN HOTT!!!! I TOTALLY LOVED the ending in season 1, never agreed with it as being rape. SO AGAIN THIS WAS HOTT!!! now where is Stevie and since u r anti Tina, is my heart gonna be broken again??? NEXT POST ASAP!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!

    6. I agree with lwsho..I am sick too of Tina blaming everything on Bette for the rest of her life and punishing Bette for the rest of her life. tina is not hurting herself, she is hurting Bette by keeping her daughter from her, not to mention she has never taken an ounce of responsibility for anything, not her part in the breakdown in the relationship, to everything she has done since. tina needs to grow up and get on with her life and stop using the baby as a weapon.

    7. Man Vibes…that was intense. Cheating is wrong but dag even hardened criminals get a reprive. Tina has to let it go…the hatred…the disdain for Bette…we all know she can’t process the love she has for this woman…she had better get it together in season 4 I tell you. I was wondering if this was a one off too or part of the other story…I kinda hope it’s a one off cause Bette & Stevie were doing so well in the other story. Your writing ROCKS Vibe…I’m not anti Tina, I am just anti Tina’s f-up’d actions.

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